This information paper advises users of proposed changes to the AusStats tables associated with the publication International Merchandise Imports, Australia (cat. no. 5439.0).
A concordance between the current AusStats tables (lotus 1-2-3.wks format) and the proposed new tables (in .xls format) is included below.
Also attached below are links to each new table providing a view of the proposed new format of the table.
These changes are due to come into effect with the August 2005 issue of 5439.0 which will be released on 16 September 2005. The .xls format spreadsheets have been introduced for some other publications including International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) from the April 2005 issue and Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia (cat. no. 5302.0) the March quarter 2005 issue.
The new product provides a range of benefits for time series clients including:
- longer time series (more than 255 observations in a single series) are presented in columns in accordance with Time Series analysis conventions
- consistent and complete series metadata is provided for every series displayed
- a readily recognised file format (Excel) that will 'auto launch' in most business IT environments
- built in features on which clients can base reliable processing systems.
The new format files can be opened, read and manipulated using Excel 5.0/95 (or equivalent), however, some features will not be available unless you have Excel 97 (or better).
For further information or if you have any queries about the change or related statistics, contact Kevin Yeadon on (02) 6252 6255.
Below is a concordance between the current AusStats tables and the proposed new tables.
Current AusStats Tables | Proposed New Table Numbers |
Table nos. | Descriptions |  |
TABLE 1 | Merchandise Imports, SITC Rev 3, Level 0-9, Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | not applicable as included in 543901.xls |
TABLE 2 | Merchandise Imports, Section and Division of SITC Rev 3, (1 and 2 digit), Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | 543901.xls |
TABLE 3 | Merchandise Imports, Country and Country Groups, Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | 543902.xls |
TABLE 4 | Merchandise Imports, Selected Commodities, Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | 543903.xls |
TABLE 5 | Merchandise Imports, Petroleum, Australia, Quantity (Litres) | 543904.xls |
TABLE 6 | Merchandise Imports, States and Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | 543905.xls |
TABLE 7 | Merchandise Imports, States by Selected Countries and Country Groups, Customs Value ($ million) | 543906.xls |
TABLE 8 | Merchandise Imports, Balance of Payments Broad Economic Categories (1 and 2 digit), Australia, Customs Value ($ million) | 543907.xls |
TABLE 9 | Merchandise Imports, Balance of Payments Broad Economic Categories (detailed level), by Country, latest 7 months, Customs Value ($ million) | 543908.xls |
TABLE 10 | Merchandise Imports, Balance of Payments Broad Economic Categories (1 and 2 digit), by Country, latest 7 months, Customs Value ($ million) | 543909.xls |