Births, Australia, 2009 (3301.0) was released on 3 November 2009. This product presents statistics on live births and fertility for Australia and the states and territories based on calendar year of registration data. Data presented in this publication includes information on the characteristics of live births such as place of usual residence, sex, Indigenous status, martial status of the parents, median age of the parents, previous number of children of the mother and nuptiality of the birth. The release of regional births data has been deferred until 9 December 2010.
There were 295,700 births registered in 2009, a slight decrease (0.3%) from the number of births registered in 2008 (296,600). Of the total births registered in 2009, 15,800 births were registered where at least one parent was an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian.
After increasing in recent years, Australia's total fertility rate also declined slightly, from 1.96 in 2008 to 1.90 in 2009. Fertility rates for all states and territories decreased in 2009, except for Queensland. Tasmania had the highest fertility rate, with 2.18 babies per woman, while the Australian Capital Territory had the lowest at 1.74.
The median age of all mothers for births registered in 2009 was 30.6 years, while the median age of fathers was 33.0 years, both slightly younger than in recent years.
Further information on births and fertility at the national and the state and territory levels, including information on births to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers, is available from the ABS website.