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Exclusions: The post office box or other non-geographic address of the service provider. Representational class: Text Data type: String Format: [X(180)], for example: 25 Todd Street Maximum character length: 180 Supplementary responses:
Counting rules:
Additional information: If a jurisdiction is able to accurately code address to CD and provide detailed information on coding process and validations made, there is no requirement to provide this data element. Australian state/territory identifier Technical name: Service provider organisation - Australian state/territory identifier, code N METeOR identifier: 289083 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - Australian state/territory identifier Definition: An identifier of the Australian state or territory where an organisation or agency can be located, as represented by a code. Components: The Australian state or territory where the service provider can be located. Rationale: To identify the geographical location of a service provider. This information, when combined with the 'suburb/town/locality', 'postcode' and 'address line' service provider level data elements, can be used to identify the 'geographic location of organisation (CD)' code of the service provider. Inclusions: All Australian states and territories including Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory. Exclusions: No Australian state or territory will be excluded. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 2 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Victoria 3 - Queensland 4 - South Australia 5 - Western Australia 6 - Tasmania 7 - Northern Territory 8 - Australian Capital Territory 9 - Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) Counting rules:
Additional information: Confirm that 'Address line', 'Suburb/town/locality' name and 'Postcode' data elements correspond with an address located within the jurisdiction specified by this data element. Eligibility for subsidy indicator Technical name: Service provider organisation - eligibility for subsidy indicator, yes/no code N METeOR identifier: 395878 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - eligibility for subsidy indicator Definition: Whether a service provider organisation is entitled to receive subsidies, as represented by a code. Components: Operational subsidies paid to service providers to reduce running costs for preschool programs. Rationale: To identify and record whether the service provider is eligible to receive subsidies on behalf of children attending the centre that are not generally available to all children. Inclusions: Include:
Exclusions: Exclude subsidies available to all children attending the preschool program. Representational class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N, for example: 1 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - No: the service provider is not eligible to receive subsidies paid on behalf of children in the preschool program. Counting rules: To be eligible to receive subsidies, the service provider may be registered to receive the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) on behalf of children in the preschool program, or receive further funding for example from state governments to reduce the cost of preschool. Additional information: Eligible subsidies:
Ineligible subsidies: Subsidies available to all children attending the preschool program and social assistance benefits such as pensions and carer allowances. Fee schedule (children's service centre-based long day care) Technical name: Service provider organisation - fee schedule for activity type, children's service centre-based long day care, code N METeOR identifier: 326621 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - fees charged in the census week Definition: The standard fee schedule type reported by a children's service whose main service activity type is centre-based long day care, as represented by a code. Components: The type of fees charged by a service provider whose main service activity type is centre-based long day care. Rationale: To identify and record the affordability of preschool programs in long day care (LDC) settings. Inclusions: Include the type of fee charged by a service provider for all preschool programs undertaken in LDC settings. Exclusions: Exclude the type of fee charged by a service provider for all other programs undertaken in LDC settings that are not preschool programs. Exclude preschool programs that aren't undertaken within a LDC setting. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 2 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Daily fee for child aged 2 years and over 3 - Weekly fee for child aged under 2 years 4 - Weekly fee for child aged 2 years and over 5 - No fee: this option should be chosen if no fees are charged for the main service activity type. Supplementary values:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Input a response of '9' if the main service activity type is preschool. This is going to be further developed for the 2011 collection. Fee schedule (children's service preschool service) Technical name: Service provider organisation - fee schedule for activity type, children's service preschool service code N METeOR identifier: 326675 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - fees charged in the census week Definition: The standard fee schedule type reported by a children's service whose main activity type is preschool service, as represented by a code. Components: The type of fees charged by a service provider whose main service activity type is preschool program. Rationale: To identify and record the affordability of preschool programs in preschool settings. Inclusions: Include the type of fee charged by a service provider for all preschool programs undertaken in preschool settings. Exclusions: Exclude the type of fee charged by a service provider for all other programs undertaken in preschool settings that are not preschool programs. Exclude preschool programs undertaken within a long day care setting. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 2 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Daily fee for child aged 4 or 5 years 3 - Sessional fee for child aged 3 years 4 - Sessional fee for child aged 4 or 5 years 5 - Term fee for child aged 3 years 6 - Term fee for child aged 4 or 5 years 7 - No fee: this option should be chosen if no fees are charged for the main service activity type. Supplementary values:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Input a response of '9' if the main service activity type is LDC. This is going to be further developed for the 2011 collection. Fee schedule amount Technical name: Service provider organisation - fee schedule amount, total Australian currency N[NNNNN].NN METeOR identifier: 354640 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - fees charged in the census week Definition: The standard fee schedule amount reported by an agency, measured in Australian dollars and cents. Components: Net weekly costs (i.e. tuition fees only), charged to children attending the preschool program. Rationale: To identify and record the affordability of preschool programs by identifying out of pocket costs to parents or guardians towards the payment of tuition fees for children to attend the preschool program. Inclusions: Services should report their standard fee, that is, the tuition fee only, charged for children to attend the preschool program, disaggregated by service activity type and age of the child. Exclusions: Exclude fees charged for the child to attend other non-preschool programs with the service provider, such as out of school hours care. Exclude other fees which are not tuition fees such as application fee, enrolment fee, resources fee, IT fee, capital fee, credit card fee, uniform, books, stationary and library fees, etc. Representational class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[NNNNN].NN, for example: $51.85 Maximum character length: 8 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Unit of measure precision: 2 Supplementary values:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Input a response of 'NA' if there are no fees payable for children to attend the preschool program. Geographic location of organisation (CD) Technical name: Service provider organisation - geographic location (CD), code (ASGC 2009) NNNNNNN METeOR identifier: 397266 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - geographic location of organisation (CD) Definition: The geographical location of an agency using a seven-digit numerical code which indicates the Collection District (CD) within the state or territory of Australia. Components: The seven-digit ASGC code which identifies the geographical location of the service provider, comprising a single-digit code to indicate state or territory, and a six-digit code for the CD within the state/territory. Rationale: The CD code is used to determine the socio-economic status for the area in which the service provider is located. This information assists in derivation of disadvantage status and the disaggregation of Indigenous students by geographic location. Inclusions: ASGC CD code indicating the geographical location of the organisation Exclusions: The post office box or other non-street addresses of the service provider. Classification scheme: Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2009 Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: NNNNNNN, for example: 397266 Maximum character length: 7 Supplementary values: For unknown CD code, the following values should be used:
2999499 - Victoria - unknown CD 3999499 - Queensland - unknown CD 4999499 - South Australia - unknown CD 5999499 - Western Australia - unknown CD 6999499 - Tasmania - unknown CD 7999499 - Northern Territory - unknown CD 8999499 - Australian Capital Territory - unknown CD 9999499 - Other Territories - unknown CD Counting rules:
Additional information:
MapInfo Professional is the Geographic Information System (GIS) software that is most widely used within the ABS for coding addresses to CD. Jurisdictions wishing to undertake their own coding should contact the ABS for further information about this product. Management type Technical name: Service provider organisation - management type, early childhood education and care code N METeOR identifier: 395206 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - management type Definition: The type of legal or social entity responsible for managing a service, as represented by a code. Components: Report information on the legal or social entity responsible for managing the service. Rationale: To identify and record the type of entity responsible for managing the preschool program. This data element is used, in conjunction with other data elements about service provision, to obtain a more detailed appraisal of service availability and how services are provided. Inclusions: Include the management type of the service provider as one of the following:
Exclusions: Exclude any legal or social entity associated with the service that does not have management responsibilities with that service. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 3 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Government managed: Australian, state/territory and local government managed services. 3 - Private-for profit: for-profit service provided or managed by a company or private individual. 4 - Independent school: non-government schools that are governed, managed and accountable at the level of the individual school. 5 - Other (e.g. employer sponsored services). Supplementary values:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Where the name of the management type is unknown, identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken. Maximum preschool program hours available per week Technical name: Service provider organisation - maximum preschool program hours available per week, total hours N[N] METeOR identifier: 401541 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - maximum preschool program hours available per week Definition: The maximum number of hours available to children to attend the preschool program at this service per week, in total hours from 0 to 60. Components: The maximum number of hours available to all children to attend the preschool program per week. Rationale: To identify and record the maximum preschool program hours available per week to children at the service. This will allow identification of the proportion of children enrolled in preschool programs that are available for at least 15 hours per week. Inclusions: Include the maximum preschool program hours available per week to all children at the service, in hours listed from 0 up to a maximum of 60. Exclusions: Exclude hours available in non-preschool programs. Where the facility provides other integrated child care services, the hours associated with these services should be excluded. Representational class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N], for example: 15 Maximum character length: 2 Unit of measure: Hour (h) Counting rules:
Additional information: The maximum hours available may be less than or equal to the opening hours of the service, but may exceed the number of hours children are enrolled at the service. This number may also be greater than the hours actually attended by children in the reference period. The maximum preschool program hours available to children are the maximum hours for which children could enrol in the reference period at that service. The maximum preschool programs hours available could be impacted by a range of factors such as the structure of the preschool program, resources available at the service, the age and preschool readiness of the children and so on. Parents may choose to enrol the child for hours that are equal to or less than the maximum hours the preschool program is available. Ensure that reported values fall between 0 and 60 hours per week. Hours in excess of 60 hours per week should be manually capped at 60 by the jurisdiction. Jurisdictions may collect this information over multiple weeks due to variable delivery methods. This may mean that presenting the data over a week period will necessitate an average statistic being derived. Number of children attending preschool Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of children attending preschool, total N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 390939 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - preschool service received indicator Definition: The total number of children who attended preschool at the service. Components: Report the total number of children who attended the preschool program in the reference period, disaggregated by sex, and reported by the age groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of age. Rationale: Identify and record the total number of individual child attendances at the preschool program recorded for each service provider during the reference period. Inclusions: Include the number of children attending a preschool program, disaggregated by sex and single year of age. Exclusions: Exclude children who did not attend the preschool program during the reference period. Representational class: Count Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 12 Maximum character length: 5 Counting rules:
Additional information: This data element relates directly to the components 'Age' and 'Sex'. Number of Indigenous children attending preschool Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of Indigenous children attending preschool, total N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 401435 METeOR link: <> Related URL data elements: Child - preschool service received indicator and Person - Indigenous status. Definition: The total number of Indigenous children who attended preschool at the service. Components: Report the total number of Indigenous children who attended the preschool program in the reference period, disaggregated by sex, and reported by the age groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of age. Rationale: Identify and record the total number of Indigenous children who attended the preschool program in the reference period. Inclusions: Include the total number of Indigenous children who attended the preschool program in the reference period, disaggregated by sex and single year of age. Exclusions:
Representational class: Count Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 15 Maximum character length: 5 Counting rules:
Additional information: This data element relates directly to the components 'Age', 'Indigenous status' and 'Sex'. Number of Indigenous children enrolled in preschool Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of Indigenous children enrolled in preschool, total N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 401419 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - preschool service enrolment indicator and Person - Indigenous status. Definition: The total number of individual preschool enrolments of Indigenous students recorded at the service provider level. Components: Report the total number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program, disaggregated by sex, and reported by the age groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of age. Rationale: Identify and record the total number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program at each service provider. Inclusions: Include the total number of Indigenous children enrolled in the preschool program, disaggregated by sex and single year of age. Exclusions: Exclude the number of children that fall within the category 'non-Indigenous'. Representational class: Count Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 15 Maximum character length: 5 Counting rules:
Additional information: This data element relates directly to the components 'Age', 'Indigenous status' and 'Sex'. <Back to data element list> Number of preschool enrolments at the service provider level Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of preschool enrolments, total N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 390341 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - preschool service enrolment indicator Definition: The total number of individual preschool enrolments recorded at the service provider level. Components: Report the total number of children enrolled in a preschool program, disaggregated by sex, and reported by the age groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of age. Rationale: Identify and record the total number of child enrolments in a preschool program recorded at each service provider. Inclusions: Include the total number of children enrolled in the preschool program, by sex and single year of age. Exclusions: Nil Representational class: Count Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 15 Maximum character length: 5 Counting rules:
Additional information: This data element relates directly to the components 'Age' and 'Sex'. Number of preschool program hours enrolled per week Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of preschool program hours enrolled per week, total hours N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 397196 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - preschool program hours enrolled (total) Definition: The total number of hours that children are enrolled in a preschool program delivered by a service provider organisation, in a given week. Components: Report the total hours that all children are enrolled in the preschool program component of the service in a given week. Rationale: To identify and record the total number of hours that all children are enrolled in the preschool program component of the service in the reference period. Inclusions: Include the total number of hours that all children are enrolled in the preschool program component of the service in the reference period. Non-instructional times such as recess, tea breaks and lunch breaks should be included if children remain under the supervision of the service provider during these times. Exclusions: Exclude non-preschool program hours. Where the facility provides other integrated child care services, the hours enrolled associated with these services should be excluded. Representational class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 150 Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Hour (h) Counting rules:
Additional information: The ABS has requested that the relevant reference period for the data is also provided. For example, some jurisdictions may record fortnightly enrolment hours, whilst others may record weekly enrolment hours. This needs to be specified so that the ABS can derive hours to a weekly reference period if necessary. Jurisdictions may collect this information over multiple weeks due to variable delivery methods. This may mean that presenting the data over a week period will necessitate an average statistic being derived. Organisation identifier Technical name: Service provider organisation - organisation identifier, X(15) METeOR identifier: 397155 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - organisation identifier Definition: A unique identifier assigned to each service which delivers child care or preschool services to children. Components: Assign a unique identifier to each service provider. Rationale: The organisation identifier is used to enable accurate identification of the service provider. It should include components that identify the main service type, state/territory and an individual number for each service. Each service included in the ECEC Collection should have a unique identifier at the national level. Inclusions: Include a unique identifier for each service provider. Exclusions: Exclude identifiers assigned to the registered business or the organisation operating the service, if different from the individual service provider. Representational class: Identifier Data type: String Format: X(15), for example: 2691GWL Maximum character length: 15 Counting rules: Currently, there is no uniform method for assigning the organisation identifier. States and territories should adopt a consistent approach to assigning identifiers within their jurisdiction. Further information on the collection of this data element will be provided for the 2011 collection. Organisation name Technical name: Service provider organisation - Organisation name METeOR identifier: No corresponding METeOR identifier. This is an additional 2010 data element. Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - organisation name Definition: The operating or trading name of the service which delivers a preschool program to children. Components: Report the operating or trading name of the service which delivers a preschool program to children. Rationale: The name by which a service provider is known or called, to allow accurate identification of each individual service provider. Inclusions: The service provider's full operating or trading name. Exclusions: The registered business name, where materially different from the name of the children's services institution(s) that it manages or owns. Representational class: Text Data type: String Format: [X(180)], for example: Gum Tree Kindergarten - Gawler Centre Maximum character length: 180 Supplementary values:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Where the name of the service provider is unknown, identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken. Postcode - Australian (service provider organisation) Technical name: Service provider organisation (address) - Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} METeOR identifier: 290064 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation (address) - postcode - Australian Definition: The numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of an organisation, as represented by a code. Components: Report the postcode which identifies the geographical location of the service provider. Postcode data involves a conversion from postcodes to the Australian Bureau of Statistics postal areas. Rationale: To identify and record the postcode that identifies the geographical location of the services provider. This information, when combined with the 'address line', 'suburb/town/locality' and 'Australian state/territory identifier' service provider level data elements, can be used to identify the 'geographic location of organisation (CD)' code. Inclusions: Include the postcode which identifies the geographical location of the service provider. Exclusions: The postcode for a post office box or other non-geographic address of the service provider. Classification scheme: Postcode datafile Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: {NNNN}, for example: 5118 Maximum character length: 4 Supplementary responses:
Counting rules:
Additional information: If a jurisdiction is able to accurately code address to CD and provide detailed information on coding process and validations made, there is no requirement to provide this data element. Service activity type Technical name: Service provider organisation - service activity type, children's service code N METeOR identifier: 354632 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - service activity type Definition: The type of service available or provided by a children's service agency, as represented by a code. Components: Report information on the main type of service available or provided by the service provider. Rationale: To identify and record the main service activity type of the service provider. The range of activity types in which a preschool program may be delivered are quite diverse across jurisdictions. This data element is used, in conjunction with other data elements about service provision, to obtain a more detailed appraisal of service availability and how services are provided. Inclusions: Include the main service activity type of the service provider from the following:
Exclusions: Exclude other activity types offered by the service provider which are not the service provider's main activity type. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 7 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Occasional care: comprises services usually provided at a centre on an hourly or sessional basis for short periods or at irregular intervals for parents who need time to attend appointments, take care of personal matters, undertake casual and part time employment, study or have temporary respite from full time parenting. These services provide developmental activities for children and are aimed primarily at 0-5 year olds. Centres providing these services usually employ a mix of qualified and other staff. 3 - Outside school hours care: comprises services provided for school aged children (5-12 year olds) outside school hours during term. Care may be provided on student free days and when school finishes early. For the purposes of this collection vacation care is recorded separately. 4 - Vacation care: comprises services provided for school aged children (5-12 year olds) during vacation periods. 5 - Family day care: comprises services provided in the carer’s own home. The care is largely aimed at 0-5 year olds, but primary school children may also receive care before and after school, and during school vacations. Central co-ordination units in all states and territories organise and support a network of carers, often with the help of local governments. 6 - In-home care: comprises services where an approved carer provides care in the child’s home. Families eligible for in-home care include families where the parent/s or child has an illness or disability; families in rural or remote areas; parents working shift work or non-standard hours; families with more than two children from a multiple birth and/or more than two children under school age; and families where a breast feeding mother is working from home. 7 - Preschool: comprises a structured educational program usually provided by a qualified teacher on a sessional basis in dedicated preschools. Similar educational programs or curricula may be provided in long day care and other settings. These are primarily aimed at children in the year or two before they commence full-time schooling. Supplementary values: Not stated/inadequately described Counting rules:
Additional information:
Certain 'In-home care' activity types may be relevant where a child with an illness or disability receives a sessional preschool program. Similarly, children in rural or remote areas receiving a sessional preschool program (e.g. school of the air) as part of broader in-home care services will be eligible for inclusion. Service delivery setting (children's service) Technical name: Service provider organisation - service delivery setting, children's service code N METeOR identifier: 315173 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - service delivery setting (children's service) Definition: The type of setting in which children's service activities are provided or could be provided by a service provider, as represented by a code. Components: Report information on the type of setting in which the children's service activities are provided by the service provider. Rationale: To identify and record the type of setting in which children's service activities are provided. The range of service settings in which a preschool program may be delivered are quite diverse across jurisdictions. This data element is used, in conjunction with other data elements about service provision, to obtain a more detailed appraisal of service availability and how services are provided. Inclusions: Include the service delivery setting of the service provider from the following:
Exclusions: Exclude services not providing a preschool program. Representational class: Code Data type: Number Format: N, for example: 5 Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values:
2 - Centre-based - other refers to a purpose built building or buildings where a child care or preschool program is delivered and the primary function of the building is non-residential (e.g. a child care centre, dedicated preschool etc.). 3 - Home-based - child's home refers to a private residential dwelling where the child lives. 4 - Home-based - other refers to a private residential dwelling where a child care or preschool program is delivered by someone other than the child’s parents, carers or guardians (e.g. a family day care caregiver’s house). 5 - General community setting refers to child care or preschool programs delivered at a general community infrastructure facility (e.g. a park, neighbourhood house, community hall, library etc.). Supplementary values: Not stated/inadequately described Counting rules:
Additional information: Where the service delivery setting is unknown, identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken. Service operation weeks Technical name: Service provider organisation - number of service operation weeks (calendar year), total NN METeOR identifier: 270377 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation - service operation weeks Definition: The actual number of weeks per year that the agency is open for the provision of service. Components: Collect the number of weeks per year that the service provider is open for provision of the preschool program. Rationale: To identify and record the number weeks per year that a service is open for provision of a preschool program. Inclusions: Include the total number of weeks that the service provider is open per year and providing a preschool program. Exclusions: Exclude weeks during the year in which the service provider is not offering a preschool program or is not operational. Representational class: Total Data type: Number Format: NN, for example: 40 Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values:
99 - Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Week Counting rules:
Additional information:
Where the operation weeks are unknown, identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken. Suburb/town/locality name (service provider organisation) Technical name: Service provider organisation (address) - suburb/town/locality name, text [A(50)] METeOR identifier: 290059 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Service provider organisation (address) - suburb/town/locality name Definition: The full name of the general locality containing the specific address of an organisation, as represented by text. Components: Report the suburb/town/locality name which identifies the general locality of the service provider. Rationale: To identify and record the general locality of the service provider. This information, when combined with the 'address line', 'postcode' and 'Australian state/territory identifier' service provider level data elements, can be used to identify the 'geographic location of organisation (CD)' code of the service provider. Inclusions: Include the suburb/town/locality name which identifies the general locality of the service provider. Exclusions: Exclude the suburb for the post office box or other non-geographic address of the service provider. Representational class: Text Data type: String Format: [A(50)], for example: Gawler Maximum character length: 50 Supplementary responses:
Counting rules:
Additional information: Where the suburb is unknown, identify the reason for the unknown response and document any follow-up processes undertaken. Total preschool attendance hours Technical name: Service provider organisation - preschool attendance hours, total hours N[NNNN] METeOR identifier: 397219 METeOR link: <> Related URL data element: Child - preschool program hours attended (total) Definition: The total number of hours that children attend a preschool program delivered by a service provider organisation, in a given week. Components: Report the total hours that all children have attended at a preschool program at the service in the reference period. Rationale: To identify and record the total number of hours that all children have attended at the preschool program component of the service in the reference period. Inclusions: Include the total number of hours that all children have attended at the preschool program component of the service in the reference period. Non-instructional times such as recess, tea breaks and lunch breaks should be included if children were under the supervision of the service provider. Exclusions: Exclude non-preschool program hours. Where the facility provides other integrated child care services, the hours associated with these services should be excluded. Representational class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NNNN], for example: 150 Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Hour (h) Counting rules:
Additional information: The number of hours that the child is in attendance at the preschool program is obtained by the service provider initially recording start and finish times for each child's attendance and then rounding to whole hours. The ABS has requested that the relevant reference period for the data is also provided. For example, some jurisdictions may record fortnightly attendance hours, whilst others may record weekly attendance hours. This needs to be specified so that the ABS can derive hours to a weekly reference period if necessary. Jurisdictions may collect this information over multiple weeks due to variable delivery methods. This may mean that presenting the data over a week period will necessitate an average statistic being derived.