Data Items | Populations |
1 | State or territory of usual residence | All |
| | New South Wales | |
| | Victoria | |
| | Queensland | |
| | South Australia | |
| | Western Australia | |
| | Tasmania | |
| | Northern Territory | |
| | Australian Capital Territory | |
2 | Area of usual residence | All |
| | State capital city | |
| | Balance of state/territory | |
3 | Region of usual residence | All |
| | Standard labour force dissemination regions | |
4 | Sex | All |
| | Males | |
| | Females | |
5 | Marital status | All |
| | Married | |
| | Not married | |
6 | Relationship in household | All |
| | Family member | |
| | | Husband, wife or partner | |
| | | | With dependents | |
| | | | Without dependents | |
| | | Lone parent | |
| | | | With dependents | |
| | | | Without dependents | |
| | | Dependent student | |
| | | Non-dependent child | |
| | | Other family person | |
| | Non-family member | |
| | | Lone person | |
| | | Not living alone | |
| | Relationship not determined | |
7A | Country of birth and period of arrival | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Arrived before 1971 | |
| | | Arrived 1971-1980 | |
| | | Arrived 1981-1990 | |
| | | Arrived 1991-2000 | |
| | | Arrived 2001 to survey date | |
7B | Country of birth (1) | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Born in main English-speaking countries | |
| | | Born in other than main English-speaking countries | |
7C | Country of birth (2) | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Oceania and Antarctica | |
| | | North-West Europe | |
| | | Southern and Eastern Europe | |
| | | North Africa and the Middle East | |
| | | South-East Asia | |
| | | North-East Asia | |
| | | Southern and Central Asia | |
| | | Americas | |
| | | Sub-Saharan Africa | |
8 | Age group (years) | All |
| | 15-19 | |
| | 20-24 | |
| | 25-34 | |
| | 35-44 | |
| | 45-54 | |
| | 55-59 | |
| | 60-64 | |
| | 65 and over | |
| | Note: Age collected in single years. | |
9 | Level of highest educational attainment | All |
| | Postgraduate Degree | |
| | Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate | |
| | Bachelor Degree | |
| | Advanced Diploma/Diploma | |
| | Certificate III/IV | |
| | Certificate I/II | |
| | Certificate not further defined | |
| | Year 12 | |
| | Year 11 | |
| | Year 10 or below | |
| | Level not determined | |
| | No educational attainment | |
10A | Level of highest non-school qualification | All |
| | With a non-school qualification | |
| | | Postgraduate Degree | |
| | | Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate | |
| | | Bachelor Degree | |
| | | Advanced Diploma/Diploma | |
| | | Certificate III/IV | |
| | | Certificate I/II | |
| | | Certificate not further defined | |
| | | Level not determined | |
| | Without a non-school qualification | |
10B | Highest year of school completed | All |
| | Year 12 | |
| | Year 11 | |
| | Year 10 | |
| | Year 9 | |
| | Year 8 or below | |
| | Never attended school | |
10C | Highest non-school qualification and whether qualification obtained overseas or within Australia | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | With a non-school qualification | |
| | | | Qualification obtained overseas | |
| | | | Qualification obtained in Australia | |
| | | Without a non-school qualification | |
11 | Labour force status at February 2010 | All |
| | Employed | |
| | Unemployed | |
| | Not in the labour force | |
12 | Number of employers or businesses in the last 12 months | All |
| | One | |
| | Two | |
| | Three | |
| | Four or more | |
13 | Change in work | 3,8 |
| | Same employer for one year or more | |
| | | Employees (excluding OMIEs) with some change in work | |
| | | Employees (excluding OMIEs) with no change in work | |
| | Owner managers and contributing family workers | |
14 | Whether changed of employer/business in the last 12 months | 4,5 |
| | Changed employer/business in the last 12 months | |
| | Did not change employer/business in the last 12 months | |
| | Currently not employed | |
15 | Whether working at February 2010 | All |
| | Working | |
| | Not working | |
16 | Status in employment at February 2010 | 2,5,7,8 |
| | Employees | |
| | Employers | |
| | Own account workers | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
17 | Full-time or part-time status at February 2010 | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Full-time workers | |
| | Part-time workers | |
18 | Usual hours worked at February 2010 | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | 1-19 | |
| | 20-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-48 | |
| | 49 or more | |
| | Less than 1 hour or no hours worked | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
19 | Employment type at February 2010 | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Employees (excluding OMIEs) | |
| | | With paid leave entitlements | |
| | | Without paid leave entitlements | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
20A | Duration with employer/business at February 2010 (1) | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Under 12 months | |
| | | Under 3 months | |
| | | 3 and under 6 months | |
| | | 6 and under 12 months | |
| | 1 and under 2 years | |
| | 2 and under 3 years | |
| | 3 and under 5 years | |
| | 5 and under 10 years | |
| | 10 and under 20 years | |
| | 20 years and over | |
20B | Duration with employer/business at February 2010 (2) | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Less than 12 months with current employer/business | |
| | One year or more with current employer/business | |
21 | Occupation at February 2010 | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
22 | Industry at February 2010 | 2,3,5,7-10 |
| | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | |
| | Mining | |
| | Manufacturing | |
| | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | |
| | Construction | |
| | Wholesale trade | |
| | Retail trade | |
| | Accommodation and food services | |
| | Transport, postal and warehousing | |
| | Information media and telecommunications | |
| | Financial and insurance services | |
| | Rental, hiring and real estate services | |
| | Professional, scientific and technical services | |
| | Administrative and support services | |
| | Public administration and safety | |
| | Education and training | |
| | Health care and social assistance | |
| | Arts and recreation services | |
| | Other services | |
23A | Whether changed Major occupation group (with current employer for one year or more) | 3 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Changed occupation | |
23B | Whether changed Minor occupation group (with current employer for one year or more) | 3 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Changed occupation | |
24 | Previous occupation with current employer/business | 3 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
25A | Whether changed usual hours worked with current employer/business in the last 12 months - Employees (excluding OMIEs) | 3 |
| | Same usual hours worked | |
| | Changed usual hours worked | |
| | | Changed hours still full-time | |
| | | Changed hours still part-time | |
| | | Full-time to part-time | |
| | | Part- time to full-time | |
| | Did not know or usual hours worked varied | |
25B | Whether changed usual hours worked with current employer/business in the last 12 months - Owner managers and contributing family workers | 8 |
| | Same usual hours worked | |
| | Changed usual hours worked | |
| | | Changed hours still full-time | |
| | | Changed hours still part-time | |
| | | Full time to part-time | |
| | | Part time to full-time | |
| | Did not know or usual hours worked varied | |
| | Not applicable (Employees excluding OMIES) | |
26 | Previous usual hours worked with current employer/business | 3,8 |
| | 1-19 | |
| | 20-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-48 | |
| | 49 or more | |
| | Less than 1 hour or no hours worked | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
27 | Whether entitled to paid sick leave at February 2010 | 3,9,10 |
| | Entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Did not know | |
28 | Whether entitled to paid holiday leave at February 2010 | 3,9,10 |
| | Entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Did not know | |
29 | Whether had paid leave entitlements at February 2010 | 3,9,10 |
| | Had paid leave entitlements | |
| | Did not have paid leave entitlements | |
30 | Whether promoted with current employer in the last 12 months | 3 |
| | Promoted | |
| | Not promoted | |
31 | Whether transferred with current employer in the last 12 months | 3 |
| | Transferred | |
| | Not transferred | |
32 | Whether promoted and/or transferred with current employer in the last 12 months | 3 |
| | Promoted and/or transferred | |
| | | Promoted only | |
| | | Transferred only | |
| | | Promoted and transferred | |
| | Not promoted or transferred | |
33 | Reason for ceasing last job | 4,5 |
| | Lost a job | |
| | | Retrenched, made redundant, employer went out of business, dismissed, no work was available | |
| | | Job was temporary or seasonal | |
| | | Own ill health or injury | |
| | Left a job | |
| | | Unsatisfactory work conditions | |
| | | Holiday job, returned to studies | |
| | | Retired | |
| | | New business, better job, family or other reasons | |
| | | Business closed or sold for other reasons | |
34 | Usual hours worked in last job | 4,5 |
| | 1-19 | |
| | 20-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-48 | |
| | 49 or more | |
| | Less than 1 hour or no hours worked | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
35 | Employment type in last job | 4,5 |
| | Employees (excluding OMIEs) | |
| | | With paid leave entitlements | |
| | | Without paid leave entitlements | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
36 | Duration of last job | 4,5 |
| | Under 12 months | |
| | | Under 3 months | |
| | | 3 and under 6 months | |
| | | 6 and under 12 months | |
| | 1 and under 2 years | |
| | 2 and under 3 years | |
| | 3 and under 5 years | |
| | 5 and under 10 years | |
| | 10 and under 20 years | |
| | 20 years and over | |
37 | When began last job | 4,5 |
| | Began last job more than one year ago | |
| | Began and ceased a job in the last 12 months | |
38A | Whether changed Major occupation group (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Changed occupation | |
38B | Whether changed Minor occupation group (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Changed occupation | |
39A | Whether changed Industry Division (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same industry | |
| | Changed industry | |
39B | Whether changed Industry Subdivision (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same industry | |
| | Changed industry | |
40 | Whether changed employment type (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same employment type | |
| | Changed employment type | |
41 | Whether changed usual hours worked (last to current employer/business) | 5 |
| | Same usual hours worked | |
| | Changed usual hours worked | |
42 | Occupation of last job | 4,5 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
43 | Industry of last job | 4,5 |
| | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | |
| | Mining | |
| | Manufacturing | |
| | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | |
| | Construction | |
| | Wholesale trade | |
| | Retail trade | |
| | Accommodation and food services | |
| | Transport, postal and warehousing | |
| | Information media and telecommunications | |
| | Financial and insurance services | |
| | Rental, hiring and real estate services | |
| | Professional, scientific and technical services | |
| | Administrative and support services | |
| | Public administration and safety | |
| | Education and training | |
| | Health care and social assistance | |
| | Arts and recreation services | |
| | Other services | |
44 | Whether entitled to paid sick leave in last job | 4,5 |
| | Entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Did not know | |
45 | Whether entitled to paid holiday leave in last job | 4,5 |
| | Entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Did not know | |
46 | Whether had paid leave entitlements in last job | 4,5 |
| | Had paid leave entitlements | |
| | Did not have paid leave entitlements | |
47 | Whether working at February 2009 | All |
| | Working | |
| | Not working | |
48 | Usual hours worked at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | 1-19 | |
| | 20-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-48 | |
| | 49 or more | |
| | Less than 1 hour or no hours worked | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
49 | Employment type at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Employees (excluding OMIEs) | |
| | | With paid leave entitlements | |
| | | Without paid leave entitlements | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
50A | Whether changed Major occupation group (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Different occupation | |
50B | Whether changed Minor occupation group (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same occupation | |
| | Different occupation | |
51A | Whether changed Industry Division (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same industry | |
| | Different industry | |
51B | Whether changed Industry Subdivision (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same industry | |
| | Different industry | |
52 | Whether changed employment type (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same employment type | |
| | Different employment type | |
53 | Whether changed usual hours worked (February 2009 and February 2010) | 3,7,8 |
| | Same usual hours worked | |
| | Different usual hours worked | |
| | Currently not employed | |
54 | Occupation at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
55 | Industry at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | |
| | Mining | |
| | Manufacturing | |
| | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | |
| | Construction | |
| | Wholesale trade | |
| | Retail trade | |
| | Accommodation and food services | |
| | Transport, postal and warehousing | |
| | Information media and telecommunications | |
| | Financial and insurance services | |
| | Rental, hiring and real estate services | |
| | Professional, scientific and technical services | |
| | Administrative and support services | |
| | Public administration and safety | |
| | Education and training | |
| | Health care and social assistance | |
| | Arts and recreation services | |
| | Other services | |
56 | Whether entitled to paid sick leave at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid sick leave | |
| | Did not know | |
57 | Whether entitled to paid holiday leave at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Not entitled to paid holiday leave | |
| | Did not know | |
58 | Whether has paid leave entitlements at February 2009 | 3,6-8 |
| | Had paid leave entitlements | |
| | Did not have paid leave entitlements | |