Client Liaison
Summary of Events
ESCG & SSCG Meetings
During the June quarter, the ABS held meetings with clients from State Government agencies.
The Social Statistics Consultative Group (SSCG) met on 2 April and listened to a presentation by Andrew Middleton from the ABS’s National Migrant Statistics Unit (NMSU) regarding Migration in WA and the role the NMSU plays in improving access to, and quality and relevance of, ABS and non-ABS migrant related statistics.
The Economic Statistics Consultative Group (ESCG) met on 3 June and listened to presentations by Trevor Draper (ABS) on the Retail Industry in WA, with emphasis on the impact of retail trading hours and by Richard McKenzie who looked at how the main economic indicators produced by the ABS compare to those in other developed countries around the world, as analysed by the OECD.
Bizlinks Seminars
The ABS has been involved in the organisation and conducting of Bizlinks, a seminar designed to assist small businesses during the initial stages of their start-up and development.
Bizlinks seminars incorporate presentations delivered by a collection of Government agencies. These include the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC), the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection (DOCEP) and the State Library of WA.
The first Bizlinks seminar is being held at 5.30pm - 8pm on Wednesday July 30 2008 at the State Library of WA. To register your interest, please contact Bodi Ledwij on (08) 9360 5125.
Survey Program 2008-09
The ABS has been facing a tightening financial situation as the costs of conducting survey programs have been rising. Similar to other Government agencies the ABS has been asked to deliver an additional two per cent efficiency dividend.
Savings have been identified across the organisation including both statistical and administrative areas, and will involve a reduction in staff of around 180 people, which will be achieved primarily through a combination of natural attrition, a temporary recruitment freeze and redeployment.
The ABS will continue to provide a very wide range of statistics of high quality and integrity, which are used by governments, businesses and individuals in planning and decision making.