There is a range of information in various forms available with respect to non-profit institutions. The extent to which this information is comparable is dependent on a range of factors, most notably the scope of what is included in the data, data collection or compilation methods and the definitions or metadata associated with the data. The following discussion provides information about the comparability of the non-profit institutions satellite account with a range of other ABS publications.
While the Not-for-profit Organisations Australia, 2006-07 publication was the principal data source used in compiling the non-profit institutions satellite account, there are notable differences between the two publications of which users must be mindful when making comparisons.
The non-profit institutions satellite account presents data for the non-profit sector which were compiled from a variety of existing economic and social collections conducted by the ABS. Not-for-profit Organisations Australia, 2006-07 presents information from a survey of economically significant non-profit organisations and supplements the non-profit institutions satellite account statistics with a detailed examination of the structure and performance of non-profit organisations for the reference year of the survey.
Micro non employing NPIs with turnover below a set threshold were out of scope of Not-for-profit Organisations Australia, 2006-07. Data for these organisations for available data items was sourced from Business Activity Statement (BAS) information collected by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for inclusion in the satellite account. The inclusion of these units in the satellite account had a significant impact on the identified number of non-profit organisations.
Not-for-profit Organisations Australia, 2006-07 contains information about the number of volunteers who volunteered for non-profit organisations during the reporting period. The information regarding numbers of volunteers and the annual hours volunteered for non-profit organisations contained in the satellite account was sourced from the ABS publication Voluntary Work Australia, 2006. Further information about the different collection methodologies for Not-for-profit Organisations Australia, 2006-07 and Voluntary Work Australia, 2006 is presented in the data sources discussion.
Detailed information about volunteering and the characteristics of volunteers is presented in the ABS publication Voluntary Work Australia, 2006. This publication was the principal data source for the number of volunteers and annual volunteer hours included in the satellite account. Differences between the totals presented in Voluntary Work Australia, 2006 and the satellite account arise due to the exclusion of volunteering for government and for profit organisations in satellite account data. In addition, the list of organisation types published in Voluntary Work Australia, 2006 has been matched with ICNPO categories for presentation of data in the satellite account. A detailed concordance between the different organisation type groupings is included in the satellite account.
Information relating to private hospitals, including the number of private hospitals and data about income and expense flows, is available in the ABS publication Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07. This publication presents separate information in respect of for profit and not for profit private hospitals.
To some degree, the data relating to not for profit private hospitals presented in Private Hospitals Australia 2006-07 is comparable with data presented in the satellite account for ICNPO 13: Hospitals. However, important differences in scope, definitions and collection methods should be noted and any such comparisons should be undertaken with caution.
The scope of organisations included in ICNPO 13 of the satellite account is any non-profit organisation classified to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 (ANZSIC06) classes 8401 (Hospitals) and 8402 (Psychiatric hospitals). The basis of this classification is the predominant activity of the particular organisation, and data in the satellite account are based on a sample of organisations which represents the entire population. By contrast, the scope of Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07 includes all private, acute and psychiatric hospitals licensed by State and Territory health authorities and all free standing day hospital facilities approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing for basic private health insurance benefits, and which operate for all or any part of the financial year. This includes sub-acute hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals and privately contracted public hospitals. As all private health establishments are included, this results in 100% coverage. Hence, Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07 is a census of private health facilities in Australia and information is collected from the entire population in scope.
Variances between data presented in Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07 and ICNPO 13 of the satellite account are further attributable to differences in the identification of non-profit organisations. For the purposes of the satellite account, non-profit organisations are identified on the ABS Business Register of organisations using a combination of indicators including a number of characteristics based on taxation data, or by individual profiling of the organisation by the ABS. For the Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07 publication, non-profit organisations were identified as all organisations that qualify as such with either the Australian Taxation Office or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. In addition, Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07 collected information in respect of private hospital patients only, whereas the satellite account contains information relating to both public and private patients of private hospitals. This is an important distinction, as a number of private hospitals provide services to both private and public patients and results in the income and expenditure estimates for hospitals in the satellite account being greater than those in Private Hospitals Australia, 2006-07.
The ABS has previously published a non-profit institutions satellite account in respect of 1999-2000. While the two satellite accounts are generally based on the same underlying conceptual framework and have been produced in accordance with Handbook recommendations, there are significant differences in compilation methods and classifications which should be noted in undertaking any comparisons between the two accounts.
Unlike the 2006-07 satellite account, the 1999-2000 satellite account was not compiled from a survey of non-profit institutions. For compilation of the 1999-2000 satellite account, existing social and economic data from a range of sources was analysed and the non-profit institutions component of each data set was identified. Given the limited data available, the 1999-2000 satellite account contains information about a smaller number of ICNPO categories and less detailed data about the income and expense flows of non-profit organisations than is presented in the 2006-07 satellite account.
Following feedback received after the 1999-2000 satellite account, it became apparent that there was a need to implement on the ABS Business Register of organisations a consistent means of identifying non-profit organisations for the purposes of compiling all ABS economic data. A substantial body of work was undertaken by the ABS in this regard to improve and standardise the identification of non-profit organisations. This improvement has resulted in differences of coverage of the 2006-07 satellite account with that of the 1999-2000 satellite account.
Since the 1999-2000 satellite account, there has been an updated version produced of the underlying industry classification used across all ABS business collections, namely the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 (ANZSIC06). The 2006-07 satellite account is based on this updated industry classification.
The tables below provide some analysis of gross value added, income and expenses data published in the two satellite accounts.
NPI Share of Gross Domestic Product |
 | 1999-2000 | 2006-07 |
NPI gross value added - national accounts basis ($m) | 19 702.0 | 40 959 |
Plus net taxes on NPI products ($m) | 1 106 | 1 918 |
Equals NPI GDP - national accounts basis ($m) | 20 808 | 42 877 |
NPI gross value added - national accounts basis ($m) | 19 702 | 40 959 |
Plus non market output of market producers ($m) | na | 288 |
Plus volunteer services ($m) | 8 874 | 14 598 |
Equals NPI gross value added NPI satellite account basis ($m) | 28 576 | 55 845 |
Plus net taxes on NPI products ($m) | 1 106 | 1 918 |
Equals NPI GDP - NPI satellite account basis ($m) | 29 682 | 57 763 |
Industry gross value added ($m) | 592 632 | 962 501 |
Gross domestic product ($m) | 645 058 | 1 045 674 |
NPI gross value added - national accounts basis share of industry gross value added (%) | 3.3 | 4.3 |
NPI GDP - national accounts basis share of GDP (%) | 3.2 | 4.1 |
na not available |
NPI income - 1999-2000 and 2006-07 |
 | 1999-2000 | 2006-07 |
 | $m | $m |
Sales of goods and services | 19 349 | 54 081 |
Interest received | 660 | 1 733 |
Other investment income | na | 881 |
Transfers received | 13 474 | 16 566 |
Other income | na | 3 377 |
Total income | 33 484 | 76 639 |
na not available |
NPI use of income - 1999-2000 and 2006-07 |
 | 1999-2000 | 2006-07 |
 | $m | $m |
Purchases of goods and services | 11 594 | 13 633 |
Depreciation | 1 585 | 2 700 |
Labour costs | 17 024 | 32 806 |
Other expenses(a) | 2 588 | 21 543 |
Saving | 693 | 5 957 |
Total | 33 484 | 76 639 |
(a) includes interest expenses, current taxes and transfers paid. |