The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this publication:
ABS | | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACT | | Australian Capital Territory |
ASDR | | age-specific death rate |
ASFR | | age-specific fertility rate |
AT | | Antarctic Territory |
Bonaire/SE/Saba | | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
Brit. | | Britain |
CBR | | crude birth rate |
CDR | | crude death rate |
Dem Rep | | Democratic Republic |
DIBP | | Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection |
Emir | | Emirates |
Excl. | | excluded |
ERP | | estimated resident population |
ET | | External Territories |
Fr. | | France |
FYROM | | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
Gaza Str/W Bank | | Gaza Strip and West Bank |
GCCSA | | greater capital city statistical area |
GDR and GFR | | German Democratic Republic and German Federal Republic |
IMR | | infant mortality rate |
incl. | | included |
Is. | | Island(s) |
LGA | | local government area |
LTRD | | long-term resident departure |
LTRR | | long-term resident returning |
LTVA | | long-term visitor arrival |
LTVD | | long-term visitor departure |
Micronesia, F S | | Micronesia, Federated States of |
N Mariana Is | | Northern Mariana Islands |
nec | | not elsewhere classified |
nei | | not elsewhere included |
nfd | | not further defined |
NOM | | net overseas migration |
NRR | | net reproduction rate |
NSW | | New South Wales |
NT | | Northern Territory |
OAD | | overseas arrivals and departures |
PA | | permanent arrival |
PD | | permanent departure |
PNG | | Papua New Guinea |
Poly | | Polynesia |
Qld. | | Queensland |
Rep | | Republic |
S America | | South America |
S & E Afr | | Southern and East Africa |
SA | | South Australia |
SACC | | Standard Australian Classification of Countries |
Sao Tome and Princ | | Sao Tome and Principe |
SDR | | standardised death rate |
Sint Maarten Dp | | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
Sp. | | Spanish |
St Pierre/Mique | | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
St Vinc/Grenad | | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
STRD | | short-term resident departure |
STRR | | short-term resident returning |
STVA | | short-term visitor arrival |
STVD | | short-term visitor departure |
SUA | | significant urban area |
Tas. | | Tasmania |
TFR | | total fertility rate |
UK, CI & IOM | | United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man |
US | | United States |
USA | | United States of America |
USSR | | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
Vic. | | Victoria |
WA | | Western Australia |
WI | | West Indies |