Settlement Database
The Settlement Database is an internal database developed by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to provide statistical support for the department that also enables the distribution of immigration, multicultural and population data to other government agencies and the community generally.
The database brings together data from various sources including the Settlement Details form (Form 886), and departmental systems used to process migration applications both in Australia and at overseas posts. Geographic location data is also captured when the settler enrols for services such as Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) classes in Australia or Medicare.
DIAC uses the data for 'Settlement Planning', a process by which the department identifies which new arrivals are in most need of assistance to settle successfully in Australia, what their particular needs are, and how to best target policy and programmes to meet those needs. DIAC also uses the database to assist in the settlement planning of humanitarian entrants to regional Australia.
DIAC provides a range of settlement reports to inform stakeholders about new arrivals to Australia. They provide information about demographic trends as well as the settlement needs of migrants and humanitarian entrants. These reports are used, for example, by government and community agencies involved in the planning and provision of migrant settlement services.
The Settlement Database contains details of close to two million records of all permanent arrivals since 1991 along with details for persons who have a provisional visa (e.g. Spouse) that can lead to permanent residency.
Records are created from data collected during the processing of a migration application. Supplementary information is added from:
- Settlement Details Forms
- the AMEP Reporting and Management System
- other DIAC data collections
- Medicare Australia.
Mandatory data items include:
- Personal details, e.g. name, date of birth, gender
- Country of birth
- Date of arrival
- Migration type
- Visa sub-class/Migration category/Migration stream
- Date of Visa issue/date of Grant
- Dependent code, e.g. spouse, fiance, parent, child, other family
- Intended state of residence
- Assurance of support/sponsor's details
Non-mandatory data items include:
- Ethnicity
- Religion
- Marital status
- Occupation
- Professional/Trade qualifications
- Years of education
- Main language
- Main language reading proficiency
- English skill level (for skill stream only)
- English proficiency
- Postcode of intended/actual residential address
- Australia
- State and territory
- Capital city
- Statistical Division
- Statistical Subdivision
- Local Government Area
DIAC produces a number of settlement reports and publications that provide information on new arrivals including: number of arrivals and settlement locations; needs of humanitarian entrants; profiles of communities and humanitarian settlement trends.
Members of the public can also produce settlement reports using DIAC's online Settlement Reporting Facility. Reports can be generated which cross-classify migration categories and ethnicity data by other data items.
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship's website is at and the Settlement database is located via ‘Living in Australia’, ‘Delivering Assistance’, and ‘Settlement Database’ or by using this link
Publications on settlement planning, demographic trends and community profiles are located via the ‘Living in Australia’, ‘Delivering Assistance’, ‘Government Programs’, and ‘Settlement Planning’ or by using this link: