New 2006 Census Web Products
The ABS has already received a very positive response to the release of 2001 Census data in the new 2006 format. Census users have embraced this opportunity to familiarise themselves with the simplified web interface before the 2006 data is available.
These products are only part of the comprehensive range of publications and electronic products that will available from the 2006 Census. With this in mind let's take a closer look at some of the new offerings from the 2006 Census product suite.
QuickMaps with 2001 data: Available Now!
QuickMaps are designed to provide users with quick and easy access to thematically mapped Census statistics using 2001 data. The maps are available for larger geographies and depict selected population, ethnicity, education, family, income, labour force and dwelling characteristics.
Users now have the opportunity to select a Census topic, a large geographical area to map, and the level of geographic disaggregation that best suits their needs wherever possible.
The maps contain identifiers to assist clients in recognising their selected areas. Identifiers include main roads, rivers, airports and selected area labels. A scale bar is included on each map for reference.
This is a FREE product available Now.
CDATA Online
CDATA Online, jointly developed by the ABS and Space Time Research, combines comprehensive information on Australian society from the 2006 Census, with powerful web mapping application software. The CDATA Online product is aimed at clients more familiar with the intricacies of variables, topics and geography that form the basis of Census data.
CDATA Online provides instant access to valuable data topics such as - age, education, housing, income, transport, religion, ethnicity, occupation and more, from a single Collection District to an entire State/Territory or all of Australia.
The product is designed to provide clients with a high degree of freedom in selecting and combining the geographical areas most suited to their needs. Accordingly, all Census geographies will be available to clients. A sophisticated mapping tool will be available to allow clients to identify and select geographical areas of interest. The client's selected census data can be viewed on screen in a table, a graph, or as a map, or downloaded free of charge in a variety of formats. Registered users of CDATA Online can save their custom geographies, data items and tables for future access.
The CDATA Online product will replace selected Census products which were available in 2001, such as CLIB, CDATA Quickbuild & Census for Schools.
This is a FREE product and will be available at a later stage.
SEIFA - (Socio-Economic Indexes For Areas)
As with SEIFA 2001 this is a product developed especially for those interested in the assessment of the welfare of Australian communities. SEIFA summarises information from the Census into four separate indexes that each concentrate on a different aspect of the social and economic conditions in an area, providing a method of determining the level of social and economic well-being in that region.
These indexes show where the affluent (as opposed to just high income earning) live, where the disadvantaged (as opposed to the unemployed) live and where the highly skilled and educated (as opposed to the tertiary educated people) live. SEIFA 2006 will provide information and rankings for a wide range of geographic areas. |
The planned release date for SEIFA indexes for the 2006 Census is March 2008.
For an example of how SEIFA data is used please go to page 11 in this issue for a case study.
Table Builder
The most sophisticated of the 2006 Census products, Table Builder is aimed at advanced users who are familiar with Census concepts and definitions
Table Builder is a product that allows users to construct their own tables via an interactive web interface. Users will be able to export the tables produced in Table Builder; download boundaries and data in a GIS format; and export the thematic maps & graphs created in the product.
Aimed at advanced users who are familiar with Census concepts and definitions,Table Builder will be available via an interactive web interface which utilises a system similar to ABS' existing RADL (Remote Access Data Laboratory) portal where the data has been randomised prior to clients accessing the Unit Record File.
The pricing for Table Builder will be $1,320 per subscription. If both 2001 and 2006 data are ordered then the price will be $1,550. The release date is yet to be determined.
For more information about these products and the entire 2006 Census product suite simply click on this link. 2006 Census Products