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You can also download a detailed Excel spreadsheet of data for your local government area from the data profile, or compare data for regions using the SuperTABLE datacube which is accessed from the 'Compare Regions' link at the top of the NRP Welcome Page. Exploring regions using the NRP Once you have accessed the data, it can be used to explore the characteristics of your local government area. In the example below we have used the LGA of Moreton Bay to show how characteristics can be analysed from a particular point in time or compared over time using the five year time series. We also show how you can compare data for a region with other regions. In the twelve months from 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2008, the population of Moreton Bay (R) LGA increased by 3.4% (11 831) to 356 709 persons. This was a higher growth rate than the nearby LGAs of Sunshine Coast (R) and Brisbane (C) which during the same period increased by 2.9% and 1.7% respectively. It was also higher than the population growth rate for Queensland which was 2.3%. The total number of males in Moreton Bay (R) LGA increased by 13.5% from 2004 to 2008 and the total number of females increased by 12.6% from 2004 to 2008. This amounted to a 13.5% or 41 204 person increase in the total population over the five years. In 2008, there were slightly more persons aged 30-34 years when compared to 2004 and 5441 more persons aged 60-64 years in 2008 when compared to 2004. In 2008, there were 150 more births compared to 2007 or 1 146 when compared to 2004. This is reflected by the higher fertility rate in 2008 (2.3 babies per woman) compared with 2004 (2.0 babies per woman). The 2008 fertility rate for Moreton Bay (R) LGA was higher than the fertility rates for the nearby LGAs of Brisbane (C) (1.7) and Sunshine Coast (R) (2.0) as well as the Queensland rate of 2.0 babies per female. From 2007 to 2008, there were increases in the number of persons receiving a Carers Payment (6.1% or 119 persons), Age Pension (Centrelink) (5.4% or 1 654 persons), and Disability Support Pension (2.7% or 317 persons) in the Moreton Bay (R) LGA. At the same time, there were decreases in the number of persons receiving Youth Allowance (-12.2% or 510 persons), Newstart Allowance (-8.7% or 469 persons), and Parenting Payment (Single) (-9.1% or 709 persons). The rate of persons receiving Newstart Allowance for more than a year was relatively stable at 55.8%. The total dwelling units approved in Moreton Bay (R) LGA in 2008 was 4 501 compared with 4 881 in 2004. Over the five years from 2004 to 2008, the average value of private sector houses in Moreton Bay (R) LGA increased $55, 100 to $219, 800. The average value of private sector houses in the nearby Sunshine Coast (R) LGA increased $74 400 to $278 100 and $ 70 500 to $252 400 for Queensland. Average value of private sector houses Other interesting data about Moreton Bay (R) LGA includes:
New data in the latest edition of the NRP Some of the examples given for the Moreton Bay LGA are data items that are new to this issue of the NRP. New data to this issue of the NRP includes:
Finding the NRP on the ABS website and accessing help information The NRP can be accessed directly from the links on the left of the ABS Home page. A range of updated 'help' material is available from the NRP welcome page in clearly marked in the coloured tabs above the map. The first three tabs detail how to find a region, compare regions, and information about the data available in the release. The last tab,'Videos and other Help' contains video demonstrations on how to use the NRP, information about the regions, and frequently asked questions. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.