This release presents results from the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) Learning and Work survey, conducted from July 2010 to June 2011 as part of the ABS Multipurpose Household Survey (MPHS). The survey collected data from individuals about their non-school qualification history including the level and field of each qualification and year of completion. Information was also collected on the impact of each qualification on a person's working life six months after completion and the relevance of the main field of study of each qualification to a person's current job. Another focus of the publication is the background characteristics of migrants, with data collected on Australian citizenship, language spoken at home, English proficiency, year of arrival, and level and field of highest non–school qualification before and after arrival in Australia. There are no time series data available as this is the first release of the topic.
This publication is comprised of the information presented within each of the tabs. A separate pdf version of this publication has not been produced. All tables are available in spreadsheet format from Downloads. A brief summary of the findings from the survey is included in the Summary tab. Information on the concepts and methods used in the survey, reliability of the results, definitions and interpretation are included in the Explanatory Notes, Technical Note and Glossary. Differences between data items highlighted in the summary of findings are statistically significant (refer to the Significance Testing section of the Technical Note).
The ABS publishes education and training data from a range of sources, many with differing measurement methodologies, and this can produce different estimates. As such, caution should be exercised when making comparisons with other sources. For more information, see the Data Comparability section in the Explanatory Notes. Information about ABS activities in the field of education and training statistics is available from the Education and Training Topics @ a Glance web page.
As estimates have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between the sum of component items and the published total. Published percentages are calculated prior to rounding and therefore some discrepancy may occur between these percentages and those that could be calculated from the rounded figures.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service.