5242.0 - Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, Jun 1997  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 24/09/1997   
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Provides a detailed presentation of quarterly State accounts for the last 13 quarters, at both current and average 1989-90 prices, with original, seasonally adjusted and trend estimates. Estimates are provided by State and Territory for income-based gross State product; wages, salaries and supplements; gross operating surplus; indirect taxes less subsidies; domestic final demand; private final consumption expenditure; government final consumption expenditure; private gross fixed capital expenditure; public gross fixed capital expenditure; international trade in goods; terms of trade and real gross State income. The estimates of constant price gross State income and real gross State income are labelled as 'experimental'.

Note: See also 5220.0.

This product is produced in Printed publication format on a Quarterly basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: Dec 1992
FINAL Issue: Jun 1997 was released on 25/09/1997

Price: $21.00
68 pp
ISSN: 1039-2610