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Current price estimates - quarterly Compensation of employees 28.51 Quarterly estimates of COE, which are prepared for all industries combined, are derived as the sum of State estimates of the components described for the national estimates in Chapter 19. The method used to compile COE by quarter is also described there. The following data sources are used for quarterly State estimates of wages and salaries. Household final consumption expenditure 28.55 Quarterly estimates of HFCE by State are calculated by dissecting the Australian estimate for each of the components described in Chapter 14. For some components, such as food, clothing and footwear, housing, furnishings and other household equipment, the data sources used to calculate the quarterly Australian estimates contain State data, e.g. the monthly Retail Survey and the publication Consumer Price Index (Cat. no. 6401.0). For other components such as cigarettes and tobacco, and communication services, no quarterly State data are available and State dissections are based on the latest annual State distribution derived from other sources including the periodic Household Expenditure Survey. Private gross fixed capital formation 28.57 State estimates are derived largely from the same sources as used for the Australian estimates, although a higher degree of approximation is required. Estimates of private gross fixed capital formation on dwellings and other buildings and structures are derived using data from the ABS quarterly surveys of Building Activity and Engineering Construction, while expenditure on machinery and equipment is derived from the quarterly Survey of Private New Capital Expenditure. State estimates of livestock are based on annual data from Agriculture, Australia (Cat. no. 7113.0) and Livestock Products, Australia (Cat. no. 7215.0). Annual estimates are allocated evenly over the quarters of each financial year. National general government final consumption expenditure and gross fixed capital formation 28.59 The COE component of national general government final consumption expenditure is directly apportioned to States using data from the ABS Survey of Employment and Earnings and information supplied by the Department of Defence. Expenditures on goods and services classified to defence are allocated according to population, while non-defence purchases are allocated on the basis of national general government employment by State and Territory. State and local general government final consumption expenditure and gross fixed capital formation 28.60 State and local general government final consumption expenditure and gross fixed capital formation are allocated directly by State, using data from the ABS Public Finance Section, on the assumption that their activities were confined to within their own State. Public financial and non-financial corporations' gross fixed capital formation 28.61 Quarterly estimates of gross fixed capital formation for Commonwealth non-financial corporations are allocated by State using the proportions derived for the latest annual benchmark (see paragraph 28.50). Quarterly estimates for Commonwealth financial corporations are compiled using data from the quarterly Public Financial Corporations Survey of Capital Expenditure, benchmarked to the corresponding annual estimates. Quarterly estimates for State and local gross fixed capital formation for non-financial corporations are allocated directly by State on the assumption that their activities are confined to within their own State, using data from the ABS Public Finance Section. Quarterly estimates for State and local financial corporations are compiled using data from the quarterly Public Financial Corporations Survey of Capital Expenditure, benchmarked to the corresponding annual estimates.