5655.0 - Managed Funds, Australia, Sep 2005  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 25/11/2005   
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Series Starts - Jun.1988

Series Ends - Sep.2005

Limited preview of the spreadsheet excluding the latest observations. The full range of data is available by downloading the spreadsheet.
TABLE 3. Superannuation funds(a), unconsolidated assets ($m)

Total assets



Total assets in Australia
Cash and deposits
Cash and deposits - banks
Cash and deposits - other deposit taking institutions
Loans and placements
Short term securities
Short term securities - bills of exchange
Short term securities - bank certificates of deposit
Short term securities - other
Long term securities
Long term securities - Commonwealth government bonds
Long term securities - State and local government securities
Long term securities - other
Equities and units in trusts
Equities and units in trusts - private trading corp shares
Equities and units in trusts - financial sector shares
Equities and units in trusts - units in trusts
Other financial assets
Land and buildings
Other non-financial assets
Assets overseas

(a) Excludes superannuation funds that are invested and administered by life insurance offices. For other caveats see paragraph 9 of the explanatory notes.