5215.0.30.001 - Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables (Product Details) in Electronic Form, 1996-97  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/03/2001   
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Replaces: 5215.0.40.001

Constitutes electronic copy of tables and concordances published in 5215.0, which provide detailed information about the Input-Output Product Classification. Also shows the value of Australian production, imports and exports for over 1,000 commodities classified to the industry from which each originates, such as agriculture, manufacturing, business services and personal services. Unpublished data are also provided: data on Australian production by industry and imports at basic prices and purchasers' prices; transport and trade margins on total supply; and usage by 107 industries and 7 final demand categories.

An order form for this product is included in both 5209.0 and 5215.0.

This product is produced in Service format on a Annual basis.
Issue Details
First Issue: 1994-95
Latest Issue: 1996-97 was released on 19/03/2001

Price on application