For explanation of terms or concepts used in these tables, see the Explanatory Notes, Glossary or Appendices contained in Disability, Ageing and Carers Australia:Summary of Findings, Catalogue no.4430.0.
Most of the tables below correspond to tables in the publication Caring in the Community, 1998, Catalogue no.4436.0. The order of tables has been altered. See below for table contents:
17. All persons living in households, carer status by living arrangements, by age group.
18. All carers living in households, whether lives with recipient(s) of care, by carer status by sex by age group.
19. Primary carers aged 15 and over living in households, relationship to main recipient of care by sex and whether main recipient lives with carer, by age group of primary carer.
20. Primary carers aged 15 and over living in households with co-resident main recipient of care, disability status and age group of primary carer by disability status of main recipient of care.
21. Primary carers aged 15 and over living in households, average weekly hours of care, by main disability type and disability status of main recipient of care.
22. Primary carers aged 15 and over living in households, activities for which assistance provided, by main disability type of main recipient of care.
23. Primary carers aged 15 and over living in households, sex, by main disability type of main recipient of care.
24. Primary carers age group - By age group of main recipient of care.