Release date | Catalogue
number | Publication title | Contents |
Recent Releases |
08/10/2013 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, August 2013 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. |
24/10/2013 | 3301.0 | Births, Australia, 2012 | Births data for Australia, states and territories for 2002 to 2012. Sub-state births data for 2007 to 2012. |
05/11/2013 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, September 2013 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. |
07/11/2013 | 3302.0 | Deaths, Australia, 2012 | Deaths data for Australia, states and territories for 2002 to 2012. Sub-state death data for 2007 to 2012. |
07/11/2013 | 3302.0.55.001 | Life Tables, States, Territories and Australia, 2010-2012 | State, Territory and Australian life tables for the period 2010-2012. |
15/11/2013 | 3302.0.55.003 | Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2010-2012 | Life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of Australia by selected states/territories and remoteness areas of Australia. |
26/11/2013 | 3222.0 | Population Projections, Australia, 2012 (base) to 2101 | Population projections for states and territories and capital cities/balance of states, based on 2012 ERP using the 2011 Census. |
26/11/2013 | 3222.0 | ABS.Stat (Data from Population Projections, Australia, 2012 (base) to 2101) | An interactive, free online tool that presents data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way. Currently in 'Beta' stage ( |
05/12/2013 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, October 2013 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. |
17/12/2013 | 3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun qtr. 2013 | Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes births, deaths, infant deaths, and interstate and overseas movement data. Also includes age/sex data. |
17/12/2013 (released at 12:30pm) | 3101.0 | ABS Snapshot | An audio-visual video containing key information from Australian Demographic Statistics - June qtr. 2013. A link to this can be found in the Media Release on the website. Click here to view the video. |
17/12/2013 | 3412.0.55.002 | Information Paper: Further Improvements to Net Overseas Migration Estimation, Dec 2013 | Provides overview of further improvements to the quality of final and preliminary NOM statistics. In particular, improvements made to preliminary NOM estimation and thereby improving quarterly preliminary ERP. |
Upcoming Releases |
18/12/2013 | 3412.0 | Migration, Australia, 2011-12 and 2012-13 | International migration into and out of Australia, internal migration within Australia (including interstate and intrastate) and information on overseas-born residents of Australia. |
13/01/2014 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, November 2013 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. |
12/02/2014 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, December 2013 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. |
11/03/2014 | 3401.0 | Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, January 2014 | Monthly Overseas Arrivals and Departures data. A revised time series for OAD data from July 2004 to December 2013 will be released this month based on the rebuild of the Overseas Arrivals and Departures system. |
27/03/2014 | 3101.0 | Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep qtr. 2013 | Quarterly estimates of total population for states, territories and Australia. Includes births, deaths, infant deaths, and interstate and overseas movement data. Also includes age/sex data. |
03/04/2013 | 3218.0 | Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2012-13 | Population estimates for all sub-state regions June 2013. |
30/04/2014 | 3238.0 | Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001-2026 | Projections and backcast estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians based on the 2011 Census results. |
Mid 2014 | 3105.0.65.001 | Australian Historical Population Statistics, 2014 | Historical updates of ERP, Births, Deaths, NOM and rates based on the 2011 Census. |