$ | Dollars |
'000 | Thousand |
A | Area |
ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences |
ABN | Australian Business Number |
ABR | Australian Business Register |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ABSBR | Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register |
AC | Aboriginal Council |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
AFSA | Australian Financial Security Authority |
ANZSCO | Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations |
ANZSIC | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification |
ASCED | Australian Standard Classification of Education |
ASCL | Australian Standard Classification of Languages |
ASCO | Australian Standard Classification of Occupations |
ASCRG | Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
ASGS | Australian Statistical Geography Standard |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office |
Aust. | Australia |
B | Borough |
BAS | Business Activity Statement |
BIT | Business Income Tax |
C | City |
CAPAD | Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database |
CER | Clean Energy Regulator |
CGC | Community Government Council |
DAWE | Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment |
DBR | Data by Region |
DC | District Council |
DISER | Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources |
DSP | Disability Support Pension |
DSS | Department of Social Services |
DVA | Department of Veterans' Affairs |
ERP | Estimated resident population |
EVAO | Estimated value of agricultural output |
excl | excluding |
FTB | Family Tax Benefit |
GCCSA | Greater Capital City Statistical Area |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
ha | hectare |
HELP | Higher Education Loan Program |
IC | Island Council |
IEO | Index of Education and Occupation |
IER | Index of Economic Resources |
IHAD | Index of Household Advantage and Disadvantage |
inc | including |
IPA | Intellectual Property Australia |
IRSAD | Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage and Disadvantage |
IRSD | Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
K10 | Kessler Psychological Distress Scale-10 |
km | kilometre |
km2 | square kilometre |
LGA | Local Government Area |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LVG | Land Valuer General |
m | million |
M | Municipality |
ML | Megalitre |
mmHg | millimetre of mercury |
NATSIHS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey |
NATSISS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey |
no. | number |
NOM | Net Overseas Migration |
NRP | National Regional Profile |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OT | Other Territories |
PAYG | Pay As You Go |
PHIDU | Public Health Information Development Unit |
PLA | Protected Land Areas |
Qld | Queensland |
RC | Rural City |
RegC | Regional Council |
RET | Renewable Energy Target |
RIME | Regional Internal Migration Estimates |
ROME | Regional Overseas Migration Estimates |
RRMSE | Relative root mean square error |
RSE | Relative standard error |
RTO | Residents Temporarily Overseas |
S | Shire |
SA | South Australia |
SA1 | Statistical Area Level 1 |
SA2 | Statistical Area Level 2 |
SA3 | Statistical Area Level 3 |
SA4 | Statistical Area Level 4 |
SACC | Standard Australian Classification of Countries |
SDAC | Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers |
SE | Standard error |
SEIFA | Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas |
SRES | Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme |
STA | Survey of Tourist Accommodation |
STC | Small-scale Technology Certificate |
T | Town |
Tas. | Tasmania |
Vic. | Victoria |
WA | Western Australia |