Merger of: 7321.2 and 7322.2
Contains information on the number of establishments, area, production and yield of field crops, fruit and vegetables, pastures and grasses by Statistical Division; area, production and yield of cereals and legumes for grain; tree numbers by age, area and production by Statistical Division; area of vines, production of grapes by end use, by grape variety and by Statistical Division; area, production and yield of vegetables for human consumption by Statistical Division; production of mushrooms and potatoes; stocks of major grains and hay; production of silage, and gross value of crops, fruit and pastures produced.
This product is produced in Printed publication format on a Annual basis. |
Issue Details | |
| First Issue: 1989-90
FINAL Issue: 1993-94 was released on 28/04/1995
Price: $28.00
44 pp
ISSN: 1036-2711 |