Continuing household
A household where all current members have been living together for three years or more and no additional people have come into the household in the last three years (except in the case of a child being 'born' into the household).
A structure, or a discrete space within a structure, intended for people to live in or where a person or group of people live. A dwelling may include one or more rooms used as an office or workshop provided the dwelling is in residential use.
A group of people who currently live together as a single unit within a dwelling; or a group of two or more related or unrelated people who usually reside in the same dwelling, who regard themselves as a household and who make common provision for food or other essentials for living; or a person living in a dwelling who makes provision for his or her own food and other essentials for living, without combining with any other person.
A person, or persons, living in the same dwelling but having separate catering arrangements constitutes a separate household. It is therefore possible for a physical dwelling to contain more than one household as defined.
Likely movers
A household that is likely to move together into another dwelling in the next 12 months.
Modifications that have been made to the current dwelling for older people or people with a disability. Modifications include handgrab rails, ramps, structural changes, etc.
Continuing households where the current household members have moved together in the last three years; or recently formed households where the household members have moved together since the household formation.
Older people
Older people in this publication refers to persons aged 65 years or over.
Recently formed household
A household where all current members have been living together for less than three years.