1376.0 - Local Government and ABS (Newsletter), Jun 2005
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 01/07/2005
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About this newsletter Local Government and ABS is a quarterly newsletter created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) aimed at helping the Local Government Sector use statistics to assist with planning and other community servicing decisions. The specific aims of this newsletter are to:
This is a free newsletter and we encourage you to forward it to others and post it on your bulletin board. Anyone is welcome to receive Local Government and ABS. To subscribe: send an email to rex.porter@abs.gov.au with "subscribe Local Government and ABS" in the subject line. If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter: send an email to rex.porter@abs.gov.au with "unsubscribe Local Government and ABS" in the subject line. To find this newsletter on the ABS Website:
ABS electronic publications are now available for free The free content on the ABS website has been limited to "Main Features" for most statistical releases. To improve the availability of data to the community, from 1 July the range of free content on the ABS web site has been expanded to include:
You can access ABS publications through the AusStats home page. For further information, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. How fast is the population of your region growing? The ABS has recently released new estimates of the population and growth rates for regions throughout Australia. The estimates are for Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and Local Government Areas (LGAs) and higher levels. This is included in the publication Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand, 2003-04 (cat 3218.0). The data in the publication include:
The main features of this publication are available. In addition, population estimates at 30 June 2004 for LGAs in each state are also available from these links: New South Wales Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory Australian Capital Territory For more information, please contact Matthew Montgomery on (02) 6252 6487, or by email : matthew.montgomery@abs.gov.au New information about the operations of local government libraries The ABS has recently released a publication Public Libraries 2003-04 (8561.0) which contains information about local government libraries. The publication presents results from an ABS survey of public library operations for the 2003-04 financial year. Previous collections were conducted in respect of 1999-2000 and 1996-97 financial years. The key results from this survey include:
For further information, please contact William Milne by phone on (03) 9615 7862, or by email: william.milne@abs.gov.au What's happening in Local Government Finance? Collections The forms for our Local Government Finance Statistics, Quarterly Estimates for the June Quarter 2005 have been sent out to selected councils on 16 June 2005. Responses to the quarterly survey are required by 12 July 2005. A prompt response would be appreciated to ensure the financial activity of local government is accurately represented in Australia's National Accounts which are prepared on a quarterly basis. As always ABS personnel are available to assist councils in completing the form in situations where requirements are unclear. The ABS' Local Government Statistics Unit (LGSU) data from the annual 2003-04 Local Government Finance Collection were published on 15 April 2005. The publication, Government Finance Statistics, Australia (Cat No.5512.0), is available through the AusStats home page. Visits to Departments of Local Government and Grants Commissions By the end of June, staff from LGSU would have met with most of the state/territory Grants Commissions or Departments of Local Government to review the completed 2002-03 annual collection and to discuss developments for its 2004-05 cycle. As usual, the discussions were constructive and invaluable in strengthening relationships. Some of the issues discussed were timetables, data quality and improvements to the collection forms and related processes. Work is underway in updating all systems ready for the first despatch which might be as early as mid-July. Other Developments The Local Government Statistics Unit has recommenced work on the development of an Information Development Plan (IDP). Data sources available in the field of Local Government statistics have been investigated and some preliminary work on scoping the IDP has been conducted. Consultations are planned with key stakeholders in the Local Government sector to discuss local government issues and further define the Local Government field of statistics. Work is proceeding on the development of a definitive list of local government units which will form the basis of all ABS surveys undertaken within the sector. It is expected that such a list will also be an invaluable tool for researchers and analysts within the field of local government. Preparations are also well advanced for the publishing of a Local Government Purpose Classification (LGPC). The LGPC will form a key element in an ABS strategy to enable local government units to report on their activities on a basis that is both extremely relevant for them and standardised nationally. Contacts Director: Sean Thompson sean.thompson@abs.gov.au (07) 3222 6257 Assistant Director: Peter Ball peter.ball@abs.gov.au (07) 3222 6404 New award encourages libraries to increase awareness of ABS services A new ABS Award, the LEP (Library Extension Program) Excellence Award, recognises and rewards libraries for excellence in raising their communities' awareness, understanding and use of ABS information. The prize is a trophy and $1500 worth of ABS products/services of the winner's choice, including Information and Statistical Consultancies. Entries for this year close on 31 July 2005. For more information about this exciting new award visit the LEP Award page on the ABS web site. Links to previous issues of Local Government and ABS Local Government and ABS Issue 9 March 2005 Local Government and ABS Issue 8 December 2004 Local Government and ABS Issue 7 September 2004 Local Government and ABS Issue 6 June 2004 Local Government and ABS Issue 5 March 2004 Local Government and ABS Issue 4 December 2003 Local Government and ABS Issue 3 September 2003 Local Government and ABS Issue 2 June 2003 Local Government and ABS Issue 1 March 2003 Newsletter contact details This newsletter is one way to help improve communication between the ABS and the Local Government Sector. New ABS initiatives to assist local government organisations will be announced in this newsletter as they evolve. We would like your views and suggestions about this newsletter so that it remains useful and assists you to understand and use ABS statistics. Please email comments to rex.porter@abs.gov.au, or by telephone on (08) 8237 7416. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.