The datacubes for the 2008 edition of Regional Statistics, Northern Territory (released 28 October 2008) contain updated 2006 Census tables which appeared in the 2007 edition of Regional Statistics, Northern Territory. The following tables found in the 2008 publication replace those published in the previous year:
Chapter 3: Country of Birth: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 3: Language Spoken at Home: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 3: Household Composition: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 3: Family Type: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 4: Employed Persons, by industry: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 4: Employed Persons, by occupation: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 6: Weekly Personal Income: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 6: Weekly Rent: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
Chapter 6: Weekly Loan Repayment: By Statistical Subdivision – 2006
The following changes have been made in the 2008 issue of Regional Statistics, Northern Territory.
All data is presented, where available, by Statistical Subdivision (SSD) and Statistical Local Area (SLA) according to the geographical boundaries defined in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) 2006 (cat. no. 1216.0). Chapter 1 describes in detail the various geographical classifications used in this publication, and provides information on how to make comparisons between them.
Changes from 2007 edition
Some data was not available for the 2008 edition of this publication, but where possible additional tables have been included with more relevant data. Tables that have not changed from the previous edition, such as 2006 Census data, have not been included. The following tables from the 2007 edition were not included in the PDF version of this issue:
- Chapter 1 Regional Overview
- Data from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing
- Estimated Resident Population (ERP) by Age by Sex for Northern Territory SSDs
- ABS population projections - High, Medium and Low Series
- Local Government finance data by Local Government Authority
- Offences Reported to Police and Cleared by Police by SSDs
- Protective Custodies and Traffic Infringement Notices by SSDs.
The following data is new for this publication:
- Chapter 1 Geography
- Evaporation rates by selected locations
- Electricity, water and waste water production and usage
- Estimated Resident Population for NT SLAs
- Estimated Resident Population, by Age by Sex for the NT
- Consumer Price Index (CPI), percentage changes for Darwin
- International movements by traveller type and Australian Standard Classification of Occupation (ASCO)
- Local Government finance data by NT Government Administrative Regions
- Offences Reported by Police by Selected Regions
- Finalised Drug and Property Offences by Principal Penalty, for Selected Regions
- Drug Offences Processed by Infringement Notices, for Selected Regions
- Community Corrections data for NT SSDs
- Commercial water craft and commercial license registrations.
Concepts and Definitions
Data for this publication has been sourced from a wide variety of statistical collections, both ABS and non-ABS. Care should be taken when analysing the data as time periods, definitions, scope, coverage, and methodologies may differ. Some concepts, definitions and extended footnotes are covered in the glossary. More detailed information can be obtained from the relevant publication, data collection and/or agency noted at the bottom of the table as source.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or the ABS NT Office on Darwin (08) 8943 2100.
Regional Statistics, Northern Territory, 2008, presents a statistical summary of key economic and social information for the Northern Territory (NT) and selected regions within it. It contains current and historical data drawn from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and non-ABS sources.
This is the thirteenth edition of
Regional Statistics, Northern Territory which forms a key part of the ABS' strategy to improve the availability and range of regional statistical information. Information presented covers a wide range of subjects. Its purpose is to give readers an overview of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the NT and its regions. Data is presented for the latest available year, and some tables include time series observations for the NT and Australia for additional comparison. This publication complements the standard set of key economic and social data for various geographic levels across Australia which is available via the
National Regional Profiles (cat. no. 1379.0).
This publication draws extensively on information provided by government agencies and other organisations. The ABS wishes to acknowledge the contribution of those organisations. Their continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. The inclusion of data from sources beyond the ABS' own collection adds to the value of the publication by creating a more complete and detailed statistical picture of the Northern Territory. Without the support of these external agencies the wide range of statistics at the regional level would not be available for general use by the community.