Series Starts - Feb.1978 | Series Ends - Oct.2005 | | |
The attached Time Series File contains the following data items:
Sex | Male, Female, Persons |
Social marital status
Timeseries type
Month | 15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+, Total
Married, Not married, Total
From February 1978 |
Data items | Employed full time, Employed part time, Employed total, Unemployed - looking for full-time work, Unemployed - looking for part-time work, Unemployed - total, Labour force, Not in the labour force, Civilian population, Unemployment rate - looking for full-time work. Unemployment rate - total, Participation rate
The files are also available in compressed format to reduce download time. Decompression software is required to unzip the spreadsheets.
An itemised list of all Series contained within the Time Series File is available by downloading a Preview of the Time Series file's Index Sheet.
- 6291001_PREVIEW.zip