National Regional Profile: Glossary  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 20/11/2006 CLASSIFICATIONS CODE: 1379.0.55.001   
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Age pension

A payment for people who have reached retirement age. To qualify for the Age Pension a male must be aged 65 years, while the age at which a female may qualify depends upon her birth date. There are also other eligibility requirements with regard to assets, income and residency which must be met. This payment is the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.

Area of CALM estate (WA)

The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) is vested with land that is managed for conservation. The CALM estate includes reserves that are consistent with the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) categories, and other reserves that fall outside of the IUCN categories.

Area on conservation estate (IUCN Class 1-4 Reserves) (WA)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Categories 1-4 comprise of :

Category 1a defined as Strict Nature Reserve: protected area managed mainly for science. Area of land and/or sea possessing some outstanding or representative ecosystems, geological or physiological features and/or species, available primarily for scientific research and/or environmental monitoring.

Category 1b defined as Wilderness Area: protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection. Large area of unmodified or slightly modified land and/or sea, retaining its natural character and influence, without permanent or significant habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural condition.

Category 2 defined as National Park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation. Natural area of land and/or sea, designated to (a) protect the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations, (b) exclude exploitation or occupation inimical to the purposes of designation of the area and (c) provide a foundation for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities, all of which must be environmentally and culturally compatible.

Category 3 defined as Natural Monument: protected area managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features. Area containing one or more specific
natural or natural/cultural feature which is of outstanding or unique value because of its inherent rarity, representative, or aesthetic qualities or its cultural significance.

Category 4 defined as Habitat/Species Management Area: protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention. Area of land
and/or sea subject to active intervention for management purposes so as to ensure the maintenance of habitats and/or to meet the requirements of specific species.

Assault (WA)

Includes the offences of non-aggravated sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, non-aggravated assault, and aggravated assault.

Assessed annual value (TAS)
The gross annual income a person owning land might reasonably expect to obtain by letting it to a tenant upon reasonable terms and conditions.

Australian Standard Geographical Classification

The Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) is a classification maintained by the ABS, for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. The ASGC is updated each year. All data in the 2005 National Regional Profile is presented on ASGC 2003.

Average individual annual taxable income

This is calculated by dividing the total taxable income in an area by the total number of taxable taxpayers.

Average value house prices (QLD)

The total value of all house sales within the year divided by the total number of sales.

Average wage and salary income

This is calculated by dividing the total wage and salary income in an area by the total number of wage and salary earners.

Average total Income of wage and salary earners

For wage and salary earners, this is calculated by dividing the total income by the total number of wage and salary earners.

Bare or poorly vegetated (WA)

Areas carrying little or no vegetation.

Base metals (WA)

Includes Copper By-Product, Copper Concentrates, Copper Cathode, Lead, and Zinc.

Burglary (WA)

Includes burglary to dwelling and to buildings other than dwellings.

Capital value (TAS)

The capital sum which a property might be expected to realise if offered for sale on reasonable terms and conditions.

Clay (WA)

Includes Attapulgite, Clay Shale, Fire Clay, Kaolin and Saponite.

Commercial /industrial property sale (SA)

In South Australia, this refers to the sale of land used for commercial or industrial use within the meaning of the Development Control Regulations (which relate to the South Australian Local Government (Land Use) Regulations, 1989). Shops and offices are included in commercial use while light industry is included in industrial use.

Construction materials (WA)

Includes Aggregate, Gravel, Rock, Sand and Sandstone.

Crude birth rate

The crude birth rate is the number of live births registered during the calendar year per 1,000 estimated resident population at 30 June of that year.

Crude death rate

The crude death rate is the number of deaths registered during the calendar year per 1,000 estimated resident population at 30 June of that year.

Dimension stone (WA)

Includes Granite and Marble.

Disability support pension

A payment for people whose physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment prevents them from working, or for people who are permanently blind. For the years shown, this payment was the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.

Distressed pavement (VIC)

Distressed pavement is defined as 30% of a pavement with more than 10mm rutting together with at least 10% cracking.

Drugs (WA)

Includes: drug offences (traffic) which includes the unlawful sale, supply, cultivation, or manufacture of a prohibited drug or plant; and drug offences (possess) which is the unlawful possession or use of a prohibited drug or plant, or the unlawful possession of a smoking implement.

Drug offences (VIC)

For offences against statute such as the possession and use of illicit drugs, the number of alleged offenders is the counting unit (e.g three offenders are found in possession of cannabis, three offences are recorded).

Dwelling unit

A dwelling unit is a self-contained suite of rooms, including cooking and bathing facilities and intended for long-term residential use. Regardless of whether they are self-contained or not, units within buildings offering institutional care (e.g. hospital) or temporary accommodation (e.g. motels, hostels and holiday apartments) are not defined as dwelling units. Such units are included in the appropriate category of non-residential building approvals. Dwelling units can be created in one of four ways: through new work to create a residential building; through alteration/addition work to an existing residential building; through either new or alteration/addition work on non-residential building or through conversion of a non-residential building to a residential building.

Estimated cost (tourism developments) (WA)

The estimated development cost of the project which does not include the cost of land. Where the overall project comprises both tourism and non-tourism components, the cost is the estimated cost of the tourism component.

Government cash benefit income

Payments (i.e. Government pensions, benefits and allowances) made by Centrelink to 'income support' customers. Refers to income support customers only but includes both their income support and non-income support payments if applicable. Customers who were only on a non-income support payment for the entire year have not been counted and the value of their non-income support payments have not been included. Where a customer was on income support for only part of the year they have been included (as well as their non-income support payments if applicable), but for any period they were only on non-income support payments, the value of the payments received in that period are excluded.

Government Finance Statistics (GFS)

Government Finance Statistics (GFS) refer to statistics that measure the financial transactions of governments and reflect the impact of these transactions on other sectors of the economy. GFS focuses on financial transactions such as governments' spending, lending, taxing and borrowing activities.

Government schools teaching staff (WA)

The number of full-time equivalent teachers.

Graffiti (WA)

Property damage caused by the application of substances (e.g. paint, posters, and/or plastic, metal, or wood based compounds) to the surface of the property.

Most graffiti offences are committed against public property and the number of offences reported during a period can vary due to the strategies and practices adopted by some government agencies, local government authorities, and private enterprise. Graffiti offences are, on occasions, reported by victims in batches rather than individually. This may result in a slight variation in reported graffiti offences over consecutive periods.

Heavy mineral sands (WA)

Includes Garnet Sand, Ilmenite, Upgraded Ilmenite, Leucoxene, Rutile, Staurolite, and Zircon.

Homicide (WA)

Includes driving causing death.


A household is defined as a group of two or more related or unrelated people who usually reside in the same dwelling, who regard themselves as a household, and who make common provision for food or other essentials for living; or a person living in a dwelling who makes provision for his/her own food and other essentials for living, without combining with any other person.

Individual annual taxable income

For an individual, the taxable income is the amount remaining after deducting from assessable income all deductions allowed under the Income Tax Assessment Act for that year and is the amount to which tax rates are applied. Average individual annual taxable income in an area is calculated by dividing the total taxable income by the total number of taxable taxpayers.

Indigenous population

Includes persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.

Industrial pegmatite minerals (WA)

Includes feldspar.

Infringements (WA)

Infringement notices are issued by Police, local government authorities, and various other prosecuting agencies either in person or through the post.

Investment income

Includes interest from financial institutions, net rent and dividends or distributions (including imputation credits) from and Australian company, corporate unit trust or public trading trust. Includes distributions from non-primary production trusts which mainly includes income from investments in cash management trusts, property trusts, money market trusts, mortgage trusts and unit trusts.

Iron ore (WA)

Includes Domestic and Exported iron ore.

Labour force

For any group, persons who were employed or unemployed as defined.

Land value (Tas)

The capital value less a deduction for visible improvements. In the case of vacant land the value is based on sales.

Lettable units (WA)

A lettable unit can be either a motel room, caravan site, chalet, tent site, bunk in a dormitory, cottage, or 2-3 bedroom hotel suite. However, if for example, a two bedroom unit is designed so that each bedroom can be rented separately, then this would be considered to be two lettable units.

Licensed gaming premises (Tas)

The number of gaming premises hosting gaming machines (excluding the Wrest Point Casino in Hobart and Country Club Casino in Launceston).

Livestock products

Includes wool, liquid whole milk, and eggs.

Local government area

Local Government Areas (LGAs) are spatial units which represent the geographical areas of incorporated local government councils. Each LGA has an official status which is indicated by the LGA type : (A) NSW LGA (excluding Cities), (AC) Aboriginal Council, (B) Borough, (C) City, (CGC) Community Government Council, (DC) District Council, (IC) Island Council, (M) Municipality/Municipal Council, (S) Shire, (RC) Rural City, (RegC) Regional Council and (T) Town. The major areas of Australia not administered by incorporated bodies are the northern parts of South Australia, most of the Northern Territory and all of the Australian Capital Territory and the Other Territories. LGAs are made up of one or more statistical local areas (SLAs) .

Machines (Tas)

The number of gaming machines (excluding those from the Wrest Point Casino in Hobart and Country Club Casino in Launceston)

Mean sales price (Tas)

The mean sales price is derived by dividing the total sales value by the number of properties sold for a particular geographical area.

Median value house prices (QLD)

The mid-point of the distribution of recorded house prices.

Medium/high skill occupations

This includes: managers and administrators; professionals; associate professionals; tradespersons and related workers; and advanced clerical and service workers.

Mosaics (WA)

Vegetation which comprises of two or more of the listed categories: forests; woodlands; shrublands; sedgelands; succulent steppe; which are unidentifiable from aerial photography.

Newstart allowance

A payment which provides assistance to working-aged unemployed people, aimed at ensuring recipients participate in activities designed to help their employment prospects. Long term Newstart Allowance customers are those who have been receiving payments for more than 364 days. For the years shown, this payment was the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.

Nickel industry (WA)

This industry is involved in the extraction and refinement of the following minerals: Cobalt By-Product; Cobalt Metal; Cobalt Sulphide; Nickel Concentrates; Nickel Metal; Palladium By-Product; and Platinum By-Product.

Non-residential building

A non-residential building is primarily intended for purposes other than long-term residential purposes.

Offences against the person (Vic)

For all crime against the person, the counting unit is the number of principal victims for each separate occurrence of the offence (eg. two persons are assaulted by three offenders - two offences are recorded).

Offences against property (Vic)

For most crime against property, the counting unit is the number of principal victims for each separate occurrence of the offence (eg. two persons suffer property damage inflicted by three offenders - two offences are recorded).

Open forest (WA)

Vegetation dominated by trees at least 3 metres high with a crown cover of at least 50%.

Other (vegetation) (WA)

Includes Health, sparse trees, and tussock grassland.

Other income

Other income reported on the individual tax return that was not allocated to wage and salary income, own unincorporated business income, investment income or superannuation and annuity income.

Other offences (Vic)

For a small number of infrequent offences, such as piracy, the event itself becomes the counting unit.

Other pensions and allowances

These payments contribute to the Total selected income support customer numbers:

    • Austudy - The Austudy Payment, introduced 1 July 1998, provides assistance to students aged 25 years and older. It is made to students whose financial circumstances are such that without financial help, full time study would not be possible.
    • Carer allowance - A payment for a person providing full-time care to another person who has a physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability and who (for the years shown) received a payment from the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Service or Department of Veteran's Affairs.
    • Carer payment - A payment for a person providing full-time care to another person who has a physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability and who (for the years shown) did not receive a payment from the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Service or Department of Veteran's Affairs, subject to an income and assets test on the care recipient.
    • Double orphan pension - A payment which provides assistance in meeting the costs of bringing up children who are orphans.
    • Exceptional circumstances - This payment provides assistance to farmers living in 'exceptional circumstances' affected areas (e.g. areas affected by drought) who are having difficulty meeting family and personal living expenses.
    • Mobility allowance - A payment which provides assistance to disabled people in employment or vocational training, who are unable to use public transport without substantial assistance.
    • Newstart mature age allowance - A payment which commenced on 20 March 1994 providing assistance to older, long term unemployed males aged 60 and over, but below the Age Pension age.
    • Parenting payment - partnered - The Parenting Payment attempts to ensure that a parent/guardian who is a member of a couple and who has a child under 16 years of age receives an adequate level of income without needing to look for work.
    • Partner allowance - This payment provides assistance to older partners of a person receiving Job Search Allowance, Newstart Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Special Benefit, Rehabilitation Allowance, Age Pension, Disability Support pension, Disability Wage Supplement or Mature Age Allowance.
    • Sickness allowance - A payment which provides assistance to people who are temporarily incapacitated and unable to work because of sickness or accident.
    • Special benefit - A payment which provides assistance to a person in severe financial need due to circumstances outside their control, and for whom no other pension, allowance or other support are available.
    • Widow allowance - A payment which commenced in January 1995, that assists women who become widowed, divorced or separated after turning 50 years of age, and who have no recent workforce experience.
    • Wife pension - A payment which assists the wife of an Age or Disability Support pensioner, when the wife is not eligible for any other pension. The Wife Pension is being phased out from 1 July 1995.
    • Widow class B - A payment which provides income to certain widows who do not have any dependent children, have limited means of income, and have lost the financial support of their partner. The Widow B Pension is gradually being phased out from 1 July 1987.
For the years shown, these payments were the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.

Other vehicles

This includes light trucks which incorporates: trucks, buses, vans, all terrain wagons, pick-up/cab chassis (whether four-wheel drive or not) with a gross vehicle mass of 2.5 to 3.5 tonnes. Also included are heavy trucks and buses, with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes and four-wheel drive passenger vehicles.

Own unincorporated business income

Income as reported on individual tax returns including net income (or loss) from
: business and distributions from partnerships for primary and non-primary production activities; and trusts for primary production activities only. Excludes distributions from trusts for non-primary production activities. Excludes the income of working directors/owners of incorporated business who are classified as employees (as income is included under wage and salary income).

Parenting payment

The Parenting Payment attempts to ensure that a parent/guardian (single or member of a couple) who has a child under 16 years of age receives an adequate level of income without needing to look for work. It is an amalgamation of the Parenting Allowance and the Sole Parent Pension. Within the Parenting Payment these two former payments are known as the Parenting Payment (Partnered) and the Parenting Payment (Single) respectively. For the years shown, this payment was the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.

Passenger vehicles

Includes vehicles designed primarily for the carriage of people, such as cars, station wagons and people movers. Does not include four-wheel drive passenger vehicles as these are included in 'Other vehicles'.

Pigments (WA)

Comprises red oxide.

Population density

The population density for a region is calculated by dividing the Estimated Resident Population (ERP) by the land area.

Pre-European extent (WA)

Pre-European extent is the area of vegetation types prior to vegetation modification and clearing by European settlement.

Primary production property sale (SA)

Sale of land used for farming, horticulture, commercial forestry, horse keeping or intensive animal keeping, or a dairy within the meaning of the Development Control Regulations (which relate to the Local Government (Land Use) Regulations, 1989).

Private sector houses

A house is a detached building primarily used for long term residential purposes. It consists of one dwelling unit. Building ownership is classified as either public or private sector and is based on the sector of intended owner of the completed building at the time of approval.

Property damage (WA)

An act (excl. graffiti) or failure to act with the intent to destroy or damage property.

Proportion of population in remoteness area

Indicate the proportion of the population living in each category of Remoteness. The population counts are those at the 2001 Census.

Relative standard error

The relative standard error (RSE) is a measure of sampling variability which is obtained by expressing the standard error as a percentage of the estimate to which it refers. For example, if the estimate is 0.5 and the standard error is 0.05, then the relative standard error will by 10%. The relative standard error is a useful measure in that it provides an immediate indication of the percentage of errors likely to have occurred due to sampling and thus avoids the need to refer also to the size of the estimate.

Remoteness area

These areas provide a measurement of whether geographic distances impose restrictions on accessibility to the widest range of goods, services and opportunities for social interaction.
    • Major cities - imposes minimal restriction
    • Inner regional - imposes some restriction
    • Outer regional - imposes moderate restriction
    • Remote - imposes a high restriction
    • Very remote - imposes the highest restriction

Reported offences (WA)

Reported offences are selected offences reported to, or becoming known to, police and resulting in the submission of a report.

Residential building

A residential building is a building consisting of one or more dwelling units. Residential buildings can be either houses or other residential buildings.

Residential property sale (SA)

In South Australia, this refers to the sale of land used for a dwelling within the meaning of the Development Control Regulations (which relate to the South Australian Local Government (Land Use) Regulations, 1989).

Road traffic major injuries (Vic)

In Victoria, these are defined as injuries requiring persons to be admitted to hospital.

Robbery (WA)

Includes the offences of non-aggravated robbery, aggravated robbery (firearm), and aggravated robbery (other).

Roll entries (Tas)

The number of registered properties in a particular geographical area.

Roughness (Vic)

Roughness less than 110nrm (National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA) roughness measure), is considered acceptable for non-metropolitan roads. With lower travel speeds in urban areas, roughness less than 140nrm is considered acceptable for metropolitan roads.

Rut depth (Vic)

Rut depth is defined as the maximum gap under a 3.0m straight edge across a traffic lane.

School (QLD)

A school (other than a special school) must satisfy the following criteria:
  • Its major activity is the provision of full-time day primary or secondary education or the provision of primary or secondary distance education.
  • It is headed by a principal (or equivalent) responsible for its internal operation.
  • It is possible for students to enrol for a minimum of 4 continuous weeks, excluding breaks for school vacations.

The term ‘school’ in this product includes special schools in institutions and hospitals, mission schools and similar establishments. The term excludes preschools, kindergarten centres, pre-primary schools or pre-primary classes in or attached to non-special schools, senior technical and agricultural colleges, evening schools, continuation classes and institutions such as business or coaching colleges.

Secondary education

In New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory, secondary education may extend from Year 7 to Year 12. In Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory it may extend from Year 8 to year 12.

Sedgeland (WA)

Vegetation dominated by sedges or rushes usually associated with wetlands or waterways.

Shrubland (WA)

Vegetation dominated by shrubs between 0.5 and 3 metres high.

Special school (QLD)

A special school provides special instruction for physically and/or mentally disabled or impaired students, or those with social problems. Students must exhibit one or more of the following characteristics before enrolment is allowed:
  • mental or physical disability or impairment;
  • slow learning ability;
  • social or emotional problems;
  • in custody, on remand, or in hospital.


States and Territories are geographic areas and political entities with fixed boundaries. States and Territories consist of one or more Statistical Divisions. In aggregate, they cover Australia without gaps or overlaps.

Statistical divisions

Statistical divisions (SDs) consist of one or more statistical subdivisions (SSDs) and form a larger and more stable spatial unit for the presentation of data. SDs are defined as socially and economically homogeneous regions characterised by identifiable links between inhabitants, under the unifying influence of one or more major cities or towns. In aggregate, they cover Australia without gaps or overlaps.

Statistical local areas

The (SLA) is a general purpose spatial unit. It is the base spatial unit used to collect and disseminate statistics other than those collected from the Population Censuses. In non-census years, the SLA is the smallest unit defined in the ASGC. SLAs are based on the boundaries of incorporated bodies of local government (ie Local Government Areas or LGAs) where these exist. Where there is no incorporated body of local government, SLAs are defined to cover the unincorporated areas. One or more SLAs can make up an LGA. In aggregate, SLAs cover Australia without gaps or overlaps.

Statistical subdivisions

Statistical subdivisions (SSDs) consist of one or more Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and form an intermediate size spatial unit for the presentation of data. SSDs are defined as socially and economically homogeneous regions characterised by identifiable links between inhabitants. One or more SSDs can make up a Statistical Division (SD). In aggregate, they cover Australia without gaps or overlaps.

Steal motor vehicle (WA)

Unlawfully using a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner or the person in charge of the vehicle.

Student (QLD)

A student is a person who is formally enrolled in a school and active in a course of study other than preschool or TAFE courses. Students not present at school on the annual National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) census date were included if they were expected to be absent for less than 4 continuous weeks (excluding school vacations) and were excluded if they had left the school or had been absent without explanation for 4 continuous weeks (excluding school vacations) prior to the census date.

Superannuation and annuity income

Includes superannuation and similar pensions and annuities paid by an Australian superannuation fund, a retirement savings account provider, a registered organisation or life assurance company and pensions paid by a fund established for the benefit of commonwealth, state or territory employees and their dependants. Includes bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies.

Total selected income support customers

Included are persons whose main payment type is Age Pension, Austudy, Carer Allowance, Carer Payment, Disability Support Pension, Double Orphan Pension, Exceptional Circumstances, Mobility Allowance, Newstart Allowance, Newstart Mature Age Allowance, Parenting Payment Partnered, Parenting Payment Single, Partner Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Special Benefit, Widow Allowance, Wife pension, Widow Class B and Youth Allowance. Excluded from income support customers are persons whose main payment type is Bereavement Allowance, Childcare Benefit, Farm Family Restart and Family Tax Benefit Parts A and B. For the years shown, these payments were the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services. Brief descriptions of each included payment type are provided in this glossary.

Total income of wage and salary earners

For wage and salary earners, the sum of income from all sources as reported on the individual income tax return for the financial year. Average total income in an area is calculated by dividing the total income by the total number of wage and salary earners.

Total vehicles

Included are passenger vehicles, four-wheel drive vehicles, trucks, buses, vehicles with diplomatic and consular plates, State/Territory and Commonwealth owned vehicles and vehicles belonging to the defence forces. Excluded are motor cycles, plant and equipment and unpowered vehicles.

Theft (WA)

The unlawful taking or obtaining of money, goods or services, without the use of force, threat of force or violence, coercion or deception, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner or possessor of the use of the money or goods. This category of offence includes the theft of vehicle parts or the contents of a vehicle.

Under construction (WA)

In relation to Tourism Developments, this is work that has commenced. It includes all stages of construction from initial site preparation to
final completion when a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Tourism projects forming part of integrated residential or commercial developments will be deemed under construction when construction commences on the tourism component and not the residential or commercial components.


Persons aged 15 and over who were not employed during the reference week and had actively looked for full-time or part-time work at any time in the four weeks up to the end of the reference week and were available for work in the reference week or were waiting to start a new job within four weeks from the end of the reference week and could have started in the reference week if the job had been available then.

Unemployment rate

For any group, the number of unemployed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force in the same group.

Value of agricultural production

The value placed on recorded production at the wholesale prices realised in the market place.

Value of building

Statistics on the value of building work approved are derived by aggregating the estimated ‘value of building work when completed’ as reported on building approval documents provided to local councils or other building approval authorities. Conceptually these value data should exclude the value of land and landscaping but include site preparation costs. These estimates are usually a reliable indicator of the completed value of ‘houses’. However, for ‘other residential buildings’ and ‘non-residential buildings’, they can differ significantly from the completed value of the building as final costs and contracts have not been established before council approval is sought and gained.

Wage and salary earners

Persons aged 15 years and over who have submitted an individual income tax return and for whom wage and salary income was the principal (or main) source of income for the financial year.

Wage and salary income

Wage and salary income, as reported on the income tax return, includes gross income as shown on the 'PAYG payment summary - individual non-business' as well as allowances, commissions, bonuses, tips, gratuities, consultation fees, honoraria and other payments for services. Allowances and other earnings may include car, travel or transport allowances, allowances for tools, clothing or laundry and dirt, risk, meal or entertainment allowances. (Note: PAYG (Pay as You Go) payment summaries were previously known as Group Certificates). Average wage and salary income in an area is calculated by dividing the total wage and salary income by the total number of wage and salary earners.

Woodland (WA)

Vegetation dominated by trees at least 3 metres high with a crown cover of between 20% and 50%.

Youth allowance

A payment which commenced on 1 July 1998, that provides income support to young people who are either looking for work, studying or who are sick. For the years shown, this payment was the responsibility of the Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services.