This publication contains projections of Australia's population by age and sex for the period 30 June 2013 to 2101, and projections of the states, territories and capital cities/balances of state for the period 30 June 2013 to 2061. Figures for 30 June 2012 are preliminary estimated resident population.
Three main series of projections (Series A, B and C) are presented in this publication for analysis and reporting. Detailed information for these and other series is available from the ABS web site <>.
These projections supercede the 2007-based series published in Population Projections, Australia, 2006 to 2101 (cat. no. 3222.0) in September 2008.
The projections presented are not intended to be predictions or forecasts, but are illustrations of growth and change in the population that would occur if assumptions made about future demographic trends were to prevail over the projection period.
While the assumptions are formulated on the basis of an assessment of past demographic trends, both in Australia and overseas, there is no certainty that any of the assumptions will be realised. In addition, no assessment has been made of possible future changes in non-demographic conditions.
Population estimates and projections in this publication have been rounded to the nearest hundred. Calculations of percentage and numeric change and proportions are based on unrounded data.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Phil Browning on Canberra (02) 6252 6639.