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Footnote(s): (a) People aged 18 years and over.
(b) Current smoker.
(c) Risky/high risk alcohol consumption. Risk to health in the long-term.
(d) Sedentary/low exercise level.
(e) Overweight/Obese Body Mass Index (BMI) - self-reported adults.
Source(s): ABS data available on request, 2001, 2004-05 and 2007-08 National Health Survey
People's lifestyles can have a major impact on their health. Risky behaviours can signify an increased risk of developing a particular disease or condition (e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or kidney disease). Smoking, risky drinking and obesity may affect a person's health condition, resulting in days away from work or study and in a reduced ability to participate in family and community activities. Smoking may also affect the health of others, particularly family members, through exposure to second-hand smoke.
The effects of these risky lifestyle behaviours may have wider implications for both society and the economy, in terms of the cost to Australia's health care system.
In 2007-08, more adults were overweight or obese than in 2004-05 or 2001. In contrast, smoking rates have declined since 2001.
Adults with health risk factors(a)
Footnote(s): (a) People aged 18 years and over. (b) Current smoker. (c) Risky/high risk alcohol consumption. Risk to health in the long-term. (d) Sedentary/low exercise level. (e) Overweight/Obese Body Mass Index (BMI) - self-reported adults.
Source(s): ABS data available on request, 2001, 2004-05 and 2007-08 National Health Survey