In December quarter 2010, there were 15,546 new dwelling units approved in Victoria, of which 79.5% were in the Melbourne MSR. There were 2,076 (11.8%) fewer dwelling unit approvals in Victoria than in the previous quarter, but 1,315 (9.2%) more than in December quarter 2009. The number of dwelling units approved in the Melbourne MSR decreased by 12.5% compared with the previous quarter, but increased by 18.8% compared with December quarter 2009. In the Balance of Victoria MSR there was a decrease of 317 (9.1%) dwelling unit approvals from the previous quarter and a decrease of 640 (16.8%) from December quarter 2009.
More than one third (36.0%) of dwelling unit approvals in the Melbourne MSR over the December quarter 2010 were in three LGAs - Melbourne (C) (2,167), Wyndham (C) (1,331) and Whittlesea (C) (959). In the Balance of Victoria MSR, the LGAs with the highest number of dwelling units approved were Greater Geelong (C) (491), Ballarat (C) (266) and Greater Bendigo (C) (254).
Dwelling unit approvals, By Major Statistical Region

At current prices, the total value of building approvals in Victoria in December quarter 2010 was $6,494.5 million, an increase of $60.1 million (0.9%) since September quarter 2010, and an increase of $174.8 million (2.8%) compared with December quarter 2009.
Value of all building approvals, Current prices, By Major Statistical Region

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