![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Jul '07 | Jun '07 to Jul '07 | Jul '06 to Jul '07 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | '000 | % change | % change | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
| ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Short-term visitor arrivals | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Trend | 468.3 | -0.5 | 3.0 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Seasonally adjusted | 459.2 | -2.8 | . . | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Original | 486.4 | . . | . . | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
Short-term resident departures | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Trend(a) | 455.1 | 0.9 | 10.3 | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Seasonally adjusted | 456.1 | 1.0 | . . | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | Original | 461.7 | . . | . . | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
| ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) |
. . not applicable |
(a) Break in trend series from December 2006. |
Visitor arrivals, Short-term
![Graph: Visitor arrivals, Short-term](/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/7d12b0f6763c78caca257061001cc588/762220755fa937d7ca25736b001569bb/Body/0.151C!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)
| Resident departures, Short-term
![Graph: Resident departures, Short-term](/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/7d12b0f6763c78caca257061001cc588/762220755fa937d7ca25736b001569bb/Body/0.1FD0!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)
- Trend estimates for short-term visitor arrivals to Australia during July 2007 (468,300 movements) decreased by 0.5% compared with June 2007 (470,600 movements). This followed monthly decreases of 0.3% for May 2007 and 0.4% for June 2007.
- Currently, short-term visitor arrivals are 1.4% lower than when the series last peaked in March 2007 and 3.0% higher than in July 2006.
- During July 2007, short-term resident departures (455,100 movements) increased by 0.9% compared with June 2007 (451,000 movements). This followed monthly increases of 1.2% for May 2007 and 1.0% for June 2007.
- Short-term resident departures have continued to increase since the December 2006 trend series break.
- Seasonally adjusted estimates for short-term visitor arrivals during July 2007 (459,200 movements) decreased by 2.8% compared with June 2007. This followed a monthly increase of 0.8% for May 2007 and a monthly decrease of 0.8% for June 2007.
- Short-term resident departures for July 2007 (456,100 movements) increased 1.0% compared with June 2007 (451,600 movements). This followed monthly increases of 0.3% for May 2007 and 1.3% for June 2007.
- In original movement terms, there were 486,400 short-term visitor arrivals to Australia and 461,700 short-term resident departures from Australia during July 2007.
ISSUE | Release Date |
August 2007 | 8 October 2007 |
September 2007 | 5 November 2007 |
October 2007 | 5 December 2007 |
November 2007 | 15 January 2008 |
December 2007 | 6 February 2008 |
January 2008 | 6 March 2008 |
Early estimates of short-term visitor arrivals for August 2007 will be available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website on 18 September 2007. These estimates can be accessed by going to the ABS website at <
https://www.abs.gov.au>. Select All statistics - Access to all ABS products & statistics, then By Catalogue Number, then 3. Demography, then 34. Migration. Choose
Short-term Visitor Arrival Estimates, Australia (cat. no. 3401.0.55.001).
This publication contains movement data. Care should be taken when interpreting this movement data as 'people'. See paragraph 5 of the Explanatory Notes for more detail.
The statistics in this publication have been rounded to the nearest 100 for short-term movements and to the nearest 10 for permanent and long-term movements. As a result, sums of the components may not add exactly to totals. Analysis featured in the Key Points and Main Features of this publication is based on unrounded data. Calculations made on rounded data may differ to those published.
Annual seasonal adjustment reanalysis: The seasonally adjusted and trend series have been updated following the annual review of the seasonal adjustment process. This review provides an opportunity to confirm the extent to which movements are affected by seasonal or irregular influences. As a result, the seasonally adjusted and trend estimates of a number of series have been revised.
Introduction of ARIMA modelling techniques: From this issue the ABS has implemented improved methods of producing seasonally adjusted estimates, focused on the application of Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modelling techniques. See paragraph 19 of the Explanatory Notes for more detail.
Original series: While revisions were made to both the seasonally adjusted and trend series, no revisions were made to the previously published original series.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Anne Ward on Canberra (02) 6252 6871.