4519.0 - Recorded Crime - Offenders, 2014-15 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 24/02/2016   
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The number of male offenders increased by 2% nationally to 320,164 in 2014-15, while the number of females increased by 1% to 88,973. Overall, males made up 78% of all offenders - the same proportion it has been since the introduction of national data in 2008-09. The national male offender rate of 3,143 per 100,000 males aged 10 years and over was nearly four times the rate for females (856). (Table 1)

The proportion of male offenders was highest in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory (80%), and the lowest in the Northern Territory (72%). The Northern Territory had both the highest male offender rate at 7,758 offenders per 100,000 males aged 10 years and over, and the highest female offender rate at 3,334 offenders per 100,000 females aged 10 years and over. (Table 14)

Graph Image for OFFENDER RATE(a), Sex by states and territories, 2014-15

Footnote(s): (a) Rate per 100,000 population (see Explanatory Notes paragraphs 17-21). (b) South Australian data may be overstated (see Explanatory Notes paragraphs 67-68). (c) Australian Capital Territory data may be overstated (see Explanatory Notes paragraphs 81-82).

Source(s): Recorded Crime - Offenders