This EXCEL workbook contains thirty-three (33) tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria, being companion data to the publication Population Characteristics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001 (cat. no. 4713.0), released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on 30 October 2003.
The data cube in this document contains information from the 2001 Census on the demographic, social and economic characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria. Another data cube containing eighteen (18) tables with State/Territory comparisons is also available.
2.3 | Estimated resident population, Indigenous status by age by sex, 30 June 2001 |
2.4 | Estimated resident population, Indigenous status by Section of State and Victoria, 30 June 2001 |
3.1 | Occupied private dwellings, household type by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
3.2 | Occupied private dwellings, number of dependent children (under 15 years of age) by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by household type, Victoria, 2001 |
3.3 | Persons in occupied private dwellings, relationship in household by Indigenous status, Victoria, 2001 |
3.4 | Indigenous persons in occupied private dwellings, relationship in household by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
4.1 | Language spoken at home by age by Indigenous status, Victoria, 1996 and 2001 |
4.3 | Most commonly spoken languages by Indigenous status, Victoria, 2001 |
4.5 | Religious affiliation by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
4.6 | Birthplace of parents and individual ancestry by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
5.2 | Type of educational institution attended by age by Indigenous status, 1996 and 2001 |
5.3 | Persons aged 15 years and over, type of educational institution attended by age by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
5.4 | Persons aged 15 years and over, highest level of schooling completed by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
5.5 | Persons aged 15 years and over, whether has a non-school qualification by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 1996 and 2001 |
5.8 | Computer use (at home) and Internet use in the week preceding the 2001 Census, by Indigenous status by sex by age, Victoria, 2001 |
5.10 | Internet use in the week preceding the 2001 Census and location of use by Indigenous status, Victoria, 2001 |
5.11 | Persons aged 18 years and over, computer use (at home) and Internet use in the week preceding the 2001 Census, by Indigenous status by summary characteristics, Victoria, 2001 |
Chapter 6: WORK
6.1 | Persons aged 15 years and over, labour force status by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
6.2 | Persons aged 15 years and over, labour force status by Indigenous status by age, Victoria, 1996 and 2001 |
6.5 | Employed persons aged 15 years and over, summary characteristics by Indigenous status by sex, Victoria, 2001 |
6.6 | Employed persons aged 15 years and over, industry and sector of employment by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
6.7 | Employed persons aged 15 years and over, occupation by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |
Chapter 7: INCOME

7.1 | 
Persons in occupied private dwellings, mean weekly equivalised gross household income by income quintile by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

7.3 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over, gross weekly individual income by Indigenous status by age, Victoria, 2001 |

7.4 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over, gross weekly individual income by Indigenous status by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

7.5 | 
Persons aged 15 years and over, gross weekly individual income by Indigenous status by labour force status, Victoria, 2001 |

7.6 | 
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, median weekly gross individual income by Indigenous status by occupation by sex, Victoria, 2001 |

8.1 | 
Occupied private dwellings, dwelling structure and tenure type by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

8.4 | 
Occupied private dwellings, number of bedrooms, average number of residents and housing utilisation by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

8.5 | 
Occupied private dwellings, monthly housing loan repayments and weekly rent payments by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

8.6 | 
Persons in occupied private dwellings, mean weekly equivalised gross household income by income quintile by tenure type by whether living in a household with Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

8.7 | 
Persons in occupied private dwellings, proportion of mean weekly equivalised gross household income spent on housing costs by tenure type by whether living in a household with Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |

8.9 | 
Occupied private dwellings, number of motor vehicles and motorbikes/scooters by whether household has Indigenous person(s) by Remoteness Areas and Victoria, 2001 |