4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2002
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 03/06/2002
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ABS flagship report on Australian Social Trends released tomorrow Attention Chiefs of Staff and News Editors: The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will release the ninth edition of Australian Social Trends (cat. no. 4102.0) tomorrow, June 4, 2002. Australian Social Trends 2002 profiles Australian society and looks at changes in the nation's social conditions and wellbeing. The publication features 31 articles containing new analysis of current ABS data, as well as data from other sources. The articles cover a range of topics related to population, families, health, education, work, income and housing. These provide an insight into topical issues and the changing nature of Australian society. The publication is a source of a wide variety of stories on current and emerging issues of social interest. A full list and synopsis of the articles is attached. A media release with some summary information will be widely distributed at 11.30am tomorrow. Also, at the time of release, articles and other content from the publication will be available from the ABS website at www.abs.gov.au - within the "Australia Now" section. Media please note that the hardcopy publication will be boxed at the Canberra Press Gallery by request only. The publication will also be available for collection on the day from our State offices in each capital city, again by request. Australian Social Trends 2002: List of Contents Population Chapter
Fertility futures - reviews the causes of low fertility and explores its implications for the size and structure of the Australian population through examining three very different fertility scenarios. The resulting population size and age profile lies at the heart of many current economic, environmental, and social issues. Older overseas-born Australians - discusses the demographic profile of this group and how this might change in the future. It also discusses the location, living arrangements, health and proficiency in spoken English of older overseas-born Australians. New Zealanders in Australia - presents a profile of New Zealand-born residents, including how long they have lived in Australia, where they tend to settle, their living arrangements, skills and employment patterns.
People with a disability: need for guidance - focuses on those people with a disability who need help (or guidance) to either make friends, interact with others, maintain relationships, cope with feelings or emotions, make decisions, or think through problems. Examines the types of guidance needed and associated factors such as type of disability or condition, self-assessed health status and participation in various activities. Changes across Australian generations - uses cohort analysis to examine the way that the living arrangements and income characteristics of people in certain age groups are changing over time. Transitions in living arrangements - Family and household units are by nature dynamic, with many transitions occurring throughout the life-cycle. This article examines the types of transitions that commonly take place, and the reasons for these changes. The characteristics of temporary residents are also discussed. Selected risks faced by teenagers - examines various aspects of teenagers lives, including drug use, mental health, leading causes of injury and death, and rates of crime and victimisation. Health Chapter
Work-related injuries - describes the nature and causes of work-related injuries and looks at the people, occupations and industries most affected. Also discussed are compensation of injured workers and time taken off work as a result of work-related injury. Cardiovascular disease: 20th century trends - describes changes in the incidence of cardiovascular disease (including heart attack, stroke and heart disease) and resulting death rates over the course of the 20th century. Contributing factors such as diet and lifestyle are also discussed. Mortality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - examines the major causes of death contributing to the lower life expectancy of Indigenous Australians compared with the total population, and discusses the potential years of life expectancy that could be gained if death rates from these causes could be reduced to those of the total population. Infant mortality - focuses on trends in neonatal and postneonatal mortality rates over the last 20 years and discusses some of the causes of infant deaths over this period. Education Chapter
Education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples - examines some of the recent trends in Indigenous participation in education, and discusses retention rates, literacy levels, field of study, type of institution and outcomes in terms of work obtained. Literacy and numeracy among school students - compares performance in literacy and numeracy tests of primary and secondary students in Australia and selected overseas countries, and discusses various factors which influence performance. Education and training: international comparisons - uses a range of OECD indicators, including participation rates and levels of educational attainment, to explore Australia's education and training performance in an international context.
Searching for work - examines the characteristics of successful job-seekers and the methods they used to find a job. The characteristics of unsuccessful job-seekers are also examined. Working from home - describes the characteristics of home workers, the reasons they work from home, the types of work they do, and their conditions of employment. Voluntary work - volunteers make a large contribution to Australian society and play a part in building social networks and increasing social cohesion. This article describes the characteristics of these volunteers, the work they undertook and their reasons for volunteering. How pay is set - compares the proportions of employees whose pay was set by individual agreements, collective agreements or awards, and examines some of the complex interrelationships between the methods used to set employees' pay and a range of factors including size of employer, industry, occupation and characteristics of employees.
Households in financial stress - uses experimental ABS measures of financial stress to look at the distribution of financial stress among different life-cycle groups. Employee superannuation - discusses various aspects of superannuation coverage for employees, such as contributions and balances, and outlines some of the factors that affect employees' ability to accrue superannuation. Household debt in the 1990s - taking a life cycle approach, this article looks at several aspects of household debt including the proportion of households with loans, the amount of principal outstanding on household loans, the proportion of income spent on interest payments and credit card use within the community.
Renter households - discusses households renting from private landlords and State housing authorities in regard to their life-cycle stages and examines their income, rent payments and rental arrangements. Housing condition and maintenance - presents data on Australian householders' perceptions of the condition of their dwellings (i.e.structural problems and the need for repairs), and the types and costs of maintenance carried out in the previous year. Energy efficiency in the home - examines the consumption of energy within our homes and looks at some of the measures taken by households to reduce their use of energy. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.