4433.0.55.007 - Unmet Need for Formal Assistance, 2012  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/09/2015  First Issue
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There are a range of reasons why people may be unable to access sufficient assistance. Of people who had an unmet need for formal assistance, the most commonly reported reasons that they did not receive any or more assistance were that services cost too much (27.8%) or that they did not know about an available service (26.3%).

The reasons reported for not receiving any or more assistance were impacted by the types of activities for which people needed assistance. For example, around one-third (34.4%) of those with an unmet need for formal communication assistance, and 30.5% of those with an unmet need for formal property maintenance assistance, reported that the service cost too much. In contrast, 16.8% of those with an unmet need for formal transport assistance reported that the service cost too much, with 29.0% reporting that they did not know of an available service.

Graph Image for People(a) with an unmet need for formal assistance, Selected reasons not receiving any or more formal assistance(b) 2012

Footnote(s): a) Living in Households who reported a need for formal assistance b) Persons may report more than one reason

Source(s): Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia, 2012