Measures of receipt of orders via the Internet or web exclude transactions where the initial commitment to purchase is not made via the Internet or web. For example, regular orders made via the Internet for goods or services for which the original commitment to purchase was made using other arrangements are excluded. The proportion of all businesses reporting receipt of orders via the Internet or web during 2007-08 was 24%.
The proportion of businesses receiving orders via the Internet or web increased successively through the three smaller employment size ranges. However, unlike for other key IT use indicators, this pattern does not hold for larger businesses. The proportion for receipt of orders was highest for businesses with 20-199 persons employed (32%), whereas the proportion for businesses with 200 or more persons employed was 29% (the same as for businesses with 5-19 persons employed).
Proportion of businesses that received orders via the Internet or web, by industry, 2007-08

Businesses in Information media and telecommunications and Wholesale trade were the most likely to receive orders via the Internet or web for their goods or services (41% and 40% respectively). These results suggest that the uptake of Internet commerce (i.e. receiving orders via the Internet or web) is closely linked with the nature of business activity within an industry division.