Selected Financial Instruments |
|  |
 | Outstanding at end | Trans-actions during | Other changes during | Outstanding at end |  |
 | Mar Qtr 2007 | Jun Qtr 2007 | Jun Qtr 2007 | Jun Qtr 2007 |  |
Selected Financial Instruments | $b | $b | $b | $b |  |
|  |
Currency and deposits | 1 136.3 | 73.6 | -2.6 | 1 207.3 |  |
Short term debt securities | 471.2 | 26.2 | -1.6 | 495.8 |  |
Long term debt securities | 926.7 | 40.9 | -22.4 | 945.2 |  |
Derivatives | 191.9 | -4.6 | 39.2 | 226.4 |  |
Loans and placements | 2 455.2 | 143.9 | -2.3 | 2 596.8 |  |
Listed shares | 1 505.5 | 31.1 | 69.1 | 1 605.7 |  |
Unlisted shares | 1 080.9 | 20.3 | 21.8 | 1 123.1 |  |
Reserves of life offices and pension funds | 1 088.9 | 47.7 | 29.5 | 1 166.0 |  |
General insurance prepayments and reserves | 63.8 | 1.9 | 0.0 | 65.7 |  |
|  |
Deposit liabilities increased to $1,207.3b at the end of June 2007, following transactions of $73.6b during the quarter, compared with transactions of $40.5b in the previous quarter. Banks accepted $44.6b (up $30.2b on that accepted last quarter), other depository corporations accepted $13.0b (up $0.2b), and the central bank accepted $8.7b (up $3.1b).
Short term security liabilities increased to $495.9b at the end of June 2007. There were net issues of $26.2b, comprised of $5.8b in issues of bills of exchange and $20.4b in one name paper. Total long term debt security liabilities increased to $945.2b at the end of June 2007, following issues of $40.9b during the quarter of which $30.7b was issued domestically and $10.2b was issued offshore. Financial intermediaries n.e.c. issued bonds worth net $29.5b, of which $19.9b was issued domestically and $9.6b issued offshore. The rest of the world issued bonds worth net $9.4b of which $4.5b was issued domestically, and central borrowing authorities issued net $4.8b.
The value of derivative contracts on issue at the end of June 2007 increased by $34.5b to $226.4b. Components of the increase were net settlements of $4.6b and valuation increases of $39.1b.
Loan liabilities rose to $2,596.8b at the end of June 2007, following transactions of $143.9b during the quarter. Households borrowed $49.6b, pension funds $30.3b, private non-financial corporations $23.0b and rest of world, $13.4b.
The listed share market increased by $100.2b to $1,605.7b at the end of June 2007, with issues of $31.1b and valuation increases of $69.1b. Private non-financial corporations had issues of $22.7b, financial intermediaries n.e.c. had issues of $6.2b and banks issued $1.8b. The value of the unlisted share market increased to $1,123.1b at the end of June 2007, with issues of $20.3b and valuation increases of $21.9b. Rest of world had issues of $12.3b and financial intermediaries n.e.c. issued $2.6b.
At the end of June 2007, the reserves of life offices and pension funds were $1,166.0b following transactions during the quarter of $47.7b and valuation increases of $29.4b. General insurance prepayments and reserves were $65.7b.