5209.0.55.001 - Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables, 2008-09
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ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 10/09/2012
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ABARES Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ANZSIC93 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 1993
ANZSIC06 Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006
CGE Computable General Equilibrium Model
CoE Compensation of Employees
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFCE Government Final Consumption Expenditure
GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation
GMI Gross Mixed Income
GOS Gross Operating Surplus
GST Goods and Services Tax
GVA Gross Value Added
HFCE Household Final Consumption Expenditure
I–O Input–Output
IOIG Input–Output Industry Group
IOPC Input–Output Product Classification
IOPG Input–Output Product Group
NPISH Non–profit Institutions Serving Households
OECD Organisation for Economic Co–operation and Development
SNA System of National Accounts
SNA68 System of National Accounts 1968
SNA93 System of National Accounts 1993
SNA08 System of National Accounts 2008
S–U Supply–Use