This release (25 August 2009) corrects data in some tables and also replaces any estimates from those tables which are presented in the Summary of Findings. While some other data were not in error, a number of changes have also been made to improve the usefulness of the data.
The following changes have been made to publication tables in this re-issue:
Important changes
- The percentage of those with 'High/very high psychological distress', the number and percentage of those with 'No current long-term condition' in 2007-08 and the 'Number of current long-term conditions' data item was corrected in Table 1.
- The derivation of the 'Other disability or restrictive long term health condition' and 'Has no disability or restrictive long term health condition' categories was corrected - affects tables 1 and 10.
- The 'Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue' category was corrected in Table 3.
- 'Visited hospital or emergency department' (for asthma) was corrected in Table 4.
- A correction was made to the 'Total persons with a mental health condition' and the source for the 'Type of medication used' data was corrected in Table 9.
- The 'Average duration of exercise' data item has been corrected in Table 14.
- The 'Overweight' and 'Obese' categories for 'Self-reported BMI' have been corrected in Table 16.
- The estimates for 'Males' aged '18-64' in 2004-05 and Persons aged 15 and over in 2007-08 have been corrected in the Appendix 3 table.
- The 'Has a long term condition' and 'Does not have a long term condition' categories have been corrected in the Appendix 4 table.
Changes to categories/derivations/labels
- 'Heart, stroke and vascular disease' now includes heart failure - affects tables 1, 2 and 3.
- 'Back pain/problem, disc disorder' now excludes curvature of the spine - affects tables 1 and 3.
- The 'Sedentary exercise' and 'Inadequate physical exercise' categories now include 'Low exercise level' - affects tables 1 and 13.
- Different medications are now presented in the 'Type of medication used' (for asthma) data item in Table 4.
- 'Symptoms and signs involving circulatory system' was added to the 'Other diseases of the circulatory system' category in Table 5.
- Feet checked 'Not at all in the past 12 months' in Table 7 now includes persons who did not know when their feet were checked.
- The 'Total' rows in Table 8 now include those for whom psychological stress was 'Unable to be determined'.
- 'Inadequate fruit or vegetable consumption' for those aged 15-17 is now derived based on the guidelines for that age group rather than for adults in Table 11 and is now calculated for only persons aged 18 years and over in Table 13. 'Overweight/obese' is also now calculated for this population in Table 13.
Changes to denominators
- The percentages in tables 2 and 10 now use 'All persons' as the denominator rather than 'Persons with a long term condition' - affects all percentages presented in Table 2 but only the 'Selected long term conditions' data item in Table 10.
- The percentages for 'Had days away from work, study or school' now use 'Persons who were employed, in school or studying' as the denominator rather than 'All persons' - affects tables 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9. The 'Action taken' and 'No action taken' categories were also removed from these tables.
- Percentages for 'Blood pressure checked' are now calculated using 'All persons 18 years and over' in Table 5.
- 'Number of times did type of exercise in the two weeks prior to interview' in Table 14 is now calculated on the number of persons who did that type of exercise.
Small changes
- A minor correction was made to the 'Aspirin use' data item in Table 5.
- A minor correction was made to the cell 'Total persons with arthritis/osteoporosis' who were 'Aged 75 years or over' in Table 6.
- The 'Insulin' category was corrected in the 'Type of medication used' item in Table 7.
Summary of Findings
Where affected by the changes outlined above, the relevant Excel tables of state estimates and national estimates have also been amended and estimates from those tables which are presented in the Summary of Findings have also been updated.
The following changes which have been made to estimates presented in the Summary of Findings were not as a result of changes to tables:
- Page 7 - The sentence 'One in five adults (20%) were current smokers in 2007-08 down from 23% in 2004-05' has been changed to 'Almost one in five persons aged 18 years and over (19%) were current daily smokers in 2007-08, down from 21% in 2004-05. The estimates presented previously were for current smokers aged 15 years and over whereas in this reissue the estimates presented are for current daily smokers aged 18 years and over.
- Page 8 - The sentence 'The highest rates of overweight/obese were in the 65-74 year old age group at 79%.' was changed to 'The highest rate of overweight/obesity was in the 65-74 year old age group, at 75%.'
A number of changes have also been made to the descriptive text in the publication and some footnotes have either been changed or added in order to assist the interpretation of the statistics presented.