The annual inventory data presented in this publication are sourced from the Inventories of Australian Wine and Brandy survey which includes all winemakers who have domestic wine sales in excess of 250,000 litres. After consultation with wine industry bodies, the coverage for the annual inventory figure was expanded from just a sales basis to include all winemakers who crush more than 400 tonnes annually.
For this purpose inventory questions were included in last year's Wine and Spirit Production (2005-06) survey and again this year (2006-07). This survey is sent to those winemakers that do not have sales greater than 250,000 litres, but still had a grape crush greater than 400 tonnes. The added questions ask for detail on the inventories held of beverage wine, including white table wine, red/rosé table wine and other wine products. In order to lessen the burden of filling out the survey form, breakdowns were not asked for the other wine categories, i.e. sparkling, fortified etc.
The following table shows the total inventory figure, as collected from all winemakers that crushed more than 400 tonnes of grapes annually.
There were 1866.8 million litres of beverage wine held by winemakers at 30 June 2007.
The volume of white table wine held was 621.6 million litres. White table wine made up 33.3% of the total beverage wine stock this year.
The inventory figure for red/rosé table wine held by winemakers was 1001.9 million litres or 53.7% of the total beverage wine stock.
Inventories of Australian beverage wine, Winemakers with a crush greater than 400 tonnes - 2006-07 |
| |
| Table wine | | | |
| White | Red and rosé | Total | Other | Total | |
Sales volume | million L | million L | million L | million L | million L | |
| |
Greater than 250,000 litres | 592.9 | 955.9 | 1 548.8 | 234.8 | 1 783.6 | |
Less than 250,000 litres | 28.7 | 46.0 | 74.7 | 8.5 | 83.2 | |
Total | 621.6 | 1 001.9 | 1 623.5 | 243.3 | 1 866.8 | |
| |
Inventories of Australian Wine and Brandy; Wine and Spirit Production Survey. |
In order to maintain comparability with previous releases of this publication, the source data for Table 18 and the section in the SUMMARY OF FINDINGS titled "WINE INVENTORIES" is only taken from the Inventories of Australian Wine and Brandy survey, i.e. the information in Table 18 and "WINE INVENTORIES" is only gathered from those winemakers that sell more than 250,000 litres of wine annually.