Tourism related industries |
Characteristic and connected tourism industries | ANZSIC code | ANZSIC industry |
Travel agency and tour operator services | 6641 | Travel agency services |
Taxi transport | 6123 | Taxi and other road passenger transport |
Other road transport | 611 | Road freight transport |
| 6121 | Long distance bus transport |
| 6122 | Short distance bus transport |
Rail transport | 62 | Rail transport |
Air and water transport | 63 | Water transport |
| 64 | Air and space transport |
Motor vehicle hiring | 7741 | Motor vehicle hiring |
Automotive fuel retailing | 5321 | Automotive fuel retailing |
Accommodation | 5710 | Accommodation |
Ownwership of dwellings | 7711 | Residential property operators |
Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food outlets | 5125 | Takeaway food retailing |
| 5730 | Cafes and restaurants |
Food manufacturing | 211 | Meat and meat product manufacturing |
| 212 | Dairy product manufacturing |
| 213 | Fruit and vegetable processing |
| 214 | Oil and fat manufacturing |
| 215 | Flour mill and cereal food manufacturing |
| 216 | Bakery product manufacturing |
| 217 | Other food manufacturing |
Beverage manufacturing | 218 | Beverage and malt manufacture |
Transport equipment manufacturing | 281 | Motor vehicle and part manufacturing |
| 282 | Other transport equipment manufacturing |
Other manufacturing | 219 | Tobacco product manufacturing |
| 22 | Textile, clothing, footwear and leather manufacturing |
| 23 | Wood and paper product manufacturing |
| 24 | Printing, publishing and recorded media |
| 25 | Petroleum, coal, chemical and associated product manufacturing |
| 26 | Non-metalic mineral product manufacturing |
| 27 | Metal product manufacturing |
| 283 | Machinery and equipment manufacturing |
| 284 | Electronic manufacturing |
| 285 | Electrical equipment and appliance manufacturing |
| 286 | Industry machinery and equipment manufacturing |
| 29 | Other manufacturing |
Other retail trade | 51 | Food retailing (except takeaway food retailing (5125)) |
| 52 | Personal and household good retailing |
| 531 | Motor vehicle retailing |
| 5322 | Automotive electrical services |
| 5323 | Smash repairing |
| 5324 | Tyre retailing |
| 5329 | Automotive repair and services nec |
Clubs, pubs, taverns and bars | 5720 | Pubs, taverns and bars |
| 5740 | Clubs (hospitality) |
Casinos and other gambling services | 932 | Gambling services |
Libraries, museums and arts | 92 | Libraries, museums and arts |
Other entertainment services | 91 | Motion picture, radio and television services |
| 931 | Sport |
| 933 | Other recreation services |
Education | 84 | Education |
All other industries | | All other industries |
Employment estimates are provided at a more aggregate level of detail than the estimates shown in the monetary tables. The following table shows how the tourism employment industries concord with the tourism related industries in the monetary tables.
Tourism Employment Industries |
Tourism Employment Industries | Tourism related industries |
Travel agency and tour operator services | Travel agency and tour operator services |
Road transport and motor vehicle hiring | Taxi transport; other road transport; motor vehicle hiring |
Rail transport | Rail transport |
Air and water transport | Air and water transport |
Accommodation | Accommodation |
Cafes and restaurants | Cafes and restaurants |
Manufacturing | Food manufacturing; beverage manufacturing; transport equipment manufacturing; |
| other manufacturing |
Retail trade | Other retail trade; automotive fuel retailing; takeaway food outlets |
Clubs, pubs, taverns and bars | Clubs, pubs, taverns and bars |
Casinos and other gambling services | Casinos and other gambling services |
Libraries, museums and arts | Libraries, museums and arts |
Other entertainment services | Other entertainment services |
Education | Education |
All other industries | All other industries |