Statistical News
Developments in ABS Statistics
Agricultural Commodities
Released on 6 June 2008, the Agricultural Commodities: Small Area Data, Australia, 2006-07 (cat. no. 7125.0) publication presents final commodity and livestock estimates from the 2006-07 Agricultural Survey at the standard ABS geography of Statistical Division (SD).
The ABS Agricultural Survey collects area and production data for a wide range of agricultural commodities, but not all commodities are collected in each state; rather, commodities appropriate to agriculture in each state are collected. For example, data for tropical and sub-tropical fruit are collected in the northern states, such as Queensland, while data for temperate fruit are collected in the southern states such as Tasmania.
For further information contact Linda Falzari in Hobart on (03) 6222 5939
Experimental Estimates of Indigenous Australians
Experimental Estimates of Indigenous Australians, 2006 (cat. no. 3238.0.55.001) is scheduled for release on 19 August 2008. This will contain final estimates of the resident Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations as at 30 June 2006, for various geographies. Estimates will be disaggregated by age (5-year age groups) and sex for state and territory, Remoteness Areas and Indigenous Regions. Estimates for Statistical Local Areas will be available for total ages.
New Information Paper Series
On 27 March 2008 an information paper on persons whose main source of income is from own unincorporated business (and associated data cubes) were released.
This release introduced a new series created using administrative by product data obtained from the Australian Taxation Office and included data down to the Statistical Local Area for all Australia for the years 1996-97 to 2003-04.
See Information Paper: Persons with Main Source of Income from Own Unincorporated Business, Experimental Estimates for Small Areas, Australia (cat. no. 6225.0) or Persons with Main Source of Income from Own Unincorporated Business, Experimental Estimates for Small Areas - Data Cubes (cat. no. 6225.0.55.001).
Wage and Salary Earners 2004-05
On 4 April 2008 14 data cubes for an existing series on persons whose main source of income is from wage and salaries were released. These data cubes contain information on the characteristics of these persons including age, sex, occupation, income ranges etc.
This is a regular release of the Rural and Regional Statistics National Centre for which data are available at the Statistical Local Area and above for all Australia.
Services for Local Government
Local Government users of the ABS website can now access information designed to help find data and other resources of interest to Local Government.
Called ‘Services We Provide to Local Government’, these new information pages include: How to find data for Local Government Areas; How to keep informed about ABS releases and developments; and Information about resources and services available to help you use data.
The pages include ABS releases that contain data at Local Government Area level, and information about ABS training available to Local Government clients.
Find these new pages by clicking on this link ‘Services We Provide to Local Government’, or go to the ABS website <> and on the Home Page, click on ‘Services We Provide’, then follow the link to ‘Local Government’.