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Census of Population and Housing, ABS data available on request, latest census 2011.
Demography Working Paper: 2003/5 - Net Overseas Migration: Adjusting for Actual Duration of Stay or Absence, cat. no. 3137.0
Discussion Paper: Assessment of Methods for Developing Experimental Historical Estimates for Regional Internal Migration, cat. no. 3405.0.55.001.
Information Paper: Evaluation of Administrative Data Sources for Use in Quarterly Estimation of Interstate Migration, 2006 to 2011, cat. no. 3127.0.55.001.
Information Paper: Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseeas Migration, Australia, 2006, cat. no. 3107.0.55.003
Information Paper: Improving Net Overseas Migration Estimation, March 2010, cat. no. 3412.0.55.001.
Information Paper: Review of Interstate Migration Method, March 2009, cat. no. 3106.0.55.001.
Information Paper: Statistical Implications of Improved Methods for Estimating Net Overseas Migration, Australia, 2007, cat. no. 3107.0.55.005.
Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, cat. no. 3401.0, monthly.
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Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2011, cat. no. 1269.0.
Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, Acts Intepretation Act 1901, <>.
DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) statistical publications are available from their website <>.
DIAC 2011, The Outlook for Net Overseas Migration: March 2012.
Shyrock, HS, Siegel, JS & Assoc 1976, The Methods and Materials of Demography, condensed edn, Academic Press, New York.
United Nations 1998, Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Statistical Papers Series M, no. 58, rev. 1, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, New York.