| | | Populations |
| Demographic characteristics | |
1 | | State or territory of usual residence | All |
2 | | Area of usual residence | All |
3 | | Region of usual residence | All |
4 | | Sex | All |
5 | | Marital status | All |
6 | | Relationship in household | All |
7 | | Whether household had children aged under 15 | All |
8A | | Country of birth and period of arrival | All |
8B | | Country of birth (1) | All |
8C | | Country of birth (2) | All |
9 | | Age group (years) | All |
10 | | Age of youngest child in household (years) | All |
11 | | Number of children aged less than 15 years | All |
| Partner's demographics | |
78A | | Partner's age | All |
79 | | Partner's labour force status | All |
80 | | Partner's full-time or part-time status in employment | All |
80A | | Partner's full-time or part-time status by usual hours | All |
| Education | |
12 | | Whether currently studying | 9, 10-15 |
13 | | Whether completed primary school | 3-15 |
14 | | Level of highest non-school qualification | 3-15 |
15 | | Level of highest educational attainment | 3-15 |
16 | | Level of highest school educational attainment | 3-15 |
17 | | Main field of highest non-school qualification | 3-15 |
18 | | Main field of highest educational attainment | 3-15 |
19 | | Age and whether attending an educational institution | All |
| Unpaid activities | |
20 | | Unpaid activities in last four weeks | 3-15 |
| Labour force characteristics | |
21 | | Hours usually worked in all jobs | 2, 10-15 |
22 | | Duration of current period of unemployment | 3 |
23 | | Status in employment | 2, 10-15 |
24 | | Full-time or part-time status in employment | 2, 10-15 |
25 | | Full-time or part-time status by usual hours | 2, 10-15 |
26 | | Labour force status | All |
| Current main job details | |
27 | | Hours usually worked in current main job | 10-15 |
28 | | Full-time or part-time status in current main job | 10-15 |
29 | | Employment type in current main job | 10-15 |
30 | | Occupation of current main job | 10-15 |
31 | | Industry of current main job | 10-15 |
32 | | Duration of current main job | 10-15 |
| Previous job details | |
33 | | Whether had ever worked | 3-9 |
34 | | Previous job full-time or part-time | 3-9 |
35 | | Time since last job | 3-9 |
36 | | Employment type of last job | 3-9 |
37 | | Occupation of last job | 3-9 |
38 | | Industry of last job | 3-9 |
39 | | Hours usually worked per week in last job | 3-9 |
40 | | Duration of last job | 3-9 |
41 | | Reason for ceasing last job | 3-9 |
| Previous full-time job details | |
42 | | Whether had ever held a full-time job | 3-15 |
43 | | Whether last full-time job was with same employer as current job | 10-15 |
44 | | Whether last full-time job was with same employer as last job | 3-9 |
45 | | Time since last full-time job | 3-9 |
46 | | Employment type of last full-time job | 3-15 |
47 | | Occupation of last full-time job | 3-15 |
48 | | Industry of last full-time job | 3-15 |
49 | | Hours usually worked per week in last full-time job | 3-15 |
50 | | Duration of last full-time job | 3-15 |
51 | | Reason for ceasing last full-time job | 3-15 |
| Want to more (more) | |
52 | | Whether preferred to work more hours than usually worked | 10-15 |
53 | | Preferred number of hours | 5-9, 11-14 |
54 | | Whether wanted a paid job | 3-9 |
55 | | Preferred length/tenure of job | 5-8 |
56 | | Whether would accept a short-term/temporary job | 5-8 |
57 | | All reasons for not wanting work/more hours | 9, 15 |
58 | | Main reason for not wanting work/more hours | 9, 15 |
| Available to work (more) | |
59 | | Whether available to start work/more hours in the reference week | 5, 7-8, 11, 13-14 |
60 | | Time until available to start work/more hours | 5-8, 10-14 |
60A | | All reasons not available to start work/more hours | 6, 12 |
61 | | Main reason not available to start work/more hours | 6, 12 |
62 | | Main childcare reason not available to start work/more hours | 6, 12 |
| Looking for (more) work | |
63 | | Whether looked for work | 3-9 |
64 | | Whether looked for more hours | 11-14 |
65 | | Looked for full-time or part-time work | 3 |
66 | | All reasons not looking for work/more hours | 6-7, 12-13 |
67 | | Main reason not looking for work/more hours | 6-7, 12-13 |
68 | | Main childcare reason not looking for work/more hours | 6-7, 12-13 |
| Difficulties finding (more) work | |
69 | | All difficulties finding work/more hours | 3, 8, 14 |
70 | | Main difficulty finding work/more hours | 3, 8, 14 |
| Current income details | |
71 | | Current weekly gross personal income from all sources | All |
72 | | All sources of current personal income | All |
73 | | Main source of current personal income | All |
74 | | All types of government pensions/allowance received | All |
| Partner's current income details | |
75 | | Partner's current weekly gross income from all sources | 3-15 |
76 | | All sources of partner's current personal income | 3-15 |
77 | | Main source of partner's current personal income | 3-15 |
78 | | All types of partner's Government pensions/allowances received | 3-15 |
| Household income | |
81 | | Total gross weekly household income from all sources | All |