1 In CABEE, the stock of businesses is updated each year according to a standard equation:
2 Operating at start of financial year + Entries - Exits = Operating at end of financial year
3 In previous releases of CABEE, all data was presented in accordance with this equation at both a national level, and for selected classifications: Industry; Main State; Institutional Sector; Type of Legal Organisation; Employment Size; and Annual Turnover Size.
4 To ensure additivity, the classification values (e.g. industry code, main State, employment size range, etc.) attributed to each business were held constant over the lifetime of the business in previous editions. Specifically, for each business, the latest available data were used to overwrite any periods of conflicting or missing data.
5 The main issue with this approach is that it is possible for businesses to change their characteristics over time, particularly for employment size and annual turnover size. In fact, this change can be of interest in itself as business growth can be considered in terms of whether a business is increasing with respect to that characteristic, remaining stable, or decreasing in size over time. To address this, recent releases of CABEE have extended the standard equation for employment size and annual turnover size to:
- Operating at start of financial year + Entries - Exits + Inflow - Outflow = Operating at end of financial year, where:
- Inflow = the number of surviving businesses that have changed their classification to the classification of interest; and
- Outflow = the number of surviving businesses that have changed their classification from the classification of interest.
6 Consider the following example involving a small business which is active during the 2009-10 and 2010-11 financial years. During this two year period, the business:
- Did not employ any staff at the start of 2009-10 financial year;
- Took on 2 employees during 2009-10; and
- Grew to 6 employees over 2010-11.
7 Under previous publications (where classifications were held constant for each business at their latest available value), this business would have been included in the '5-19' employees category for June 2009, June 2010 and June 2011. This can result in some misunderstanding regarding the size of the businesses in earlier time periods.
8 Now, under the new approach, the business would be classified according to its size for the respective year:
| Operating at start of financial year | Plus Entries | Minus Exits | Plus Inflows | Minus Outflows | Operating at end of financial year |
2009-10 |
Non-employing business | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1-4 employees | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
5-19 employees | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2010-11 |
Non-employing business | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1-4 employees | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
5-19 employees | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
9 Using this approach, it is possible to present the change in business numbers (of surviving businesses) for different classifications (of employment size and annual turnover). For example, consider the following partial extract from the publication's Growth of Business Survivals by Employment Size Range table below.
Change in Business Size Over Time for Surviving Businesses(a): June 2011-June 2013 |
| | | Non-employing | 1-4(b) | 5-19 | 20-199 | 200+ | Inflow at end of financial year | Outflow at end of financial year | Net movement of surviving businesses(c) |
| | | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |
BUSINESS SIZE CATEGORY AT JUNE 2011 | | | | | | | | |
| (Employment Size Ranges)(d) | | | | | | | | |
| | Non employing | 1 052 102 | 39 802 | 1 775 | 222 | 2 | 62 087 | 41 801 | 20 286 |
| | 1-4(b) | 54 511 | 435 954 | 37 728 | 2 315 | 115 | 62 160 | 94 669 | -32 509 |
| | 5-19 | 6 228 | 21 357 | 144 136 | 7 957 | 11 | 44 624 | 35 553 | 9 071 |
| | 20-199 | 1 328 | 986 | 5 111 | 38 467 | 359 | 10 703 | 7 784 | 2 919 |
| | 200+ | 20 | 15 | 10 | 209 | 3 039 | 487 | 254 | 233 |
| | Total | 1 114 189 | 498 114 | 188 760 | 49 170 | 3 526 | 180 061 | 180 061 | - |
BUSINESS SIZE CATEGORY AT JUNE 2012 | | | | | | | | |
| (Employment Size Ranges)(d) | | | | | | | | |
| | Non employing | 1 037 633 | 38 981 | 1 650 | 223 | 4 | 65 374 | 40 858 | 24 516 |
| | 1-4(b) | 57 206 | 432 068 | 32 917 | 1 022 | 27 | 63 290 | 91 172 | -27 882 |
| | 5-19 | 6 694 | 23 410 | 149 040 | 7 540 | 12 | 39 873 | 37 656 | 2 217 |
| | 20-199 | 1 461 | 868 | 5 293 | 40 655 | 284 | 8 989 | 7 906 | 1 083 |
| | 200+ | 13 | 31 | 13 | 204 | 3 188 | 327 | 261 | 66 |
| | Total | 1 103 007 | 495 358 | 188 913 | 49 644 | 3 515 | 177 853 | 177 853 | - |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) Please refer to paragraphs 53-58 in the Explanatory Notes for more information regarding employment size ranges. |
(b) A small number of businesses which have ITW roles for purposes other than withholding amounts from wages and salaries (and as such have zero employment), are included in this category. |
(c) The net movement of surviving businesses is calculated by subtracting the total outflow at the end of the financial year from the total inflow at the end of the financial year. See Glossary and Technical Note 1 Measures of Business Growth for more information. |
(d) The methodology used to derive employment size has changed in this release. Please refer to the Technical Note 2 Improved Employment Range for more information regarding change in methodology. |
Business Size Range Matrix
10 The primary purpose of the table is to quantify the businesses which grow or contract between financial years. The first five columns provide a cross-classified matrix which shows how many businesses were classified to one business size at the start of the financial year, and a different business size at the end of the financial year.
11 Note that the majority of businesses do not change their size category between years, and the counts of these businesses are represented along the main diagonal of the table. For example, 1,037,633 'Non-employing' businesses at the end of June 2012, remained 'Non-employing' at the end of June 2013. Equally, 3,188 businesses in the largest size category at the end of June 2012, remained in the largest size category at the end of June 2013. In the above table, it can be seen that:
- 57,206 businesses had '1-4' employees at the start of the financial year and contracted to be 'Non-employing' by the end of the financial year (negative growth);
- 432,068 businesses had '1-4' employees at the start of the financial year and continued to have '1-4' employees at the end of the financial year (stability); and
- 32,917 businesses had '1-4' employees at the start of the financial year and expanded to have '5-19' employees at the end of the financial year (growth).
Inflow at End of Financial Year
12 The total number of business that moved into a size range from another range. Note that these businesses may have come from larger or smaller size range (depending on the range being analysed).
Outflow at End of Financial Year
13 This column accounts for the total number of business that moved out of a size range into another range. Note that these businesses may have come from larger or smaller size ranges (depending on the range being analysed).
Net Movement of Surviving Businesses
14 The net movement of surviving businesses for each range, i.e. accounting for all businesses that moved into (inflow) and out of (outflow) a particular size range.
15 The net movement of surviving businesses is calculated by taking total inflow at the end of the financial year minus total outflow at the end of the financial year.
16 The above information (particularly the last column) can then be included in the traditional business counts tables. A partial extract from the publication's Businesses by Employment Size Ranges table is included below.
| | Operating at start of financial year | Entries | Exits | Net movement of surviving businesses(b) | Operating at end of financial year | Change | Percentage change |
| | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | % |
2011-12 |
Non-employing | 1 306 023 | 191 904 | 212 120 | 20 286 | 1 306 093 | 70 | - |
Employing | | | | | | | |
| 1-4(c) | 584 566 | 84 605 | 53 943 | -32 509 | 582 719 | -1 847 | -0.3 |
| 5-19 | 190 237 | 9 580 | 10 548 | 9 071 | 198 340 | 8 103 | 4.3 |
| 20-199 | 48 170 | 1 352 | 1 919 | 2 919 | 50 522 | 2 352 | 4.9 |
| 200+ | 3 416 | 80 | 123 | 233 | 3 606 | 190 | 5.6 |
Total employing | 826 389 | 95 617 | 66 533 | - | 835 187 | 8 798 | 1.1 |
Total | 2 132 412 | 287 521 | 278 653 | - | 2 141 280 | 8 868 | 0.4 |
2012-13 |
Non-employing | 1 306 093 | 161 291 | 227 602 | 24 516 | 1 264 298 | -41 795 | -3.2 |
Employing | | | | | | | |
| 1-4(c) | 582 719 | 68 054 | 59 479 | -27 882 | 563 412 | -19 307 | -3.3 |
| 5-19 | 198 340 | 8 499 | 11 644 | 2 217 | 197 412 | -928 | -0.5 |
| 20-199 | 50 522 | 1 302 | 1 961 | 1 083 | 50 946 | 424 | 0.8 |
| 200+ | 3 606 | 83 | 157 | 66 | 3 598 | -8 | -0.2 |
Total employing | 835 187 | 77 938 | 73 241 | - | 815 368 | -19 819 | -2.4 |
Total | 2 141 280 | 239 229 | 300 843 | - | 2 079 666 | -61 614 | -2.9 |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
(a) Please refer to paragraphs 53-58 in the Explanatory Notes for more information regarding employment size ranges. |
(b) The net movement of surviving businesses is calculated by subtracting the total outflow at the end of the financial year from the total inflow at the end of the financial year. See Glossary and Technical Note 1 Measures of Business Growth for more information. |
(c) A small number of businesses which have ITW roles for purposes other than withholding amounts from wages and salaries (and as such have zero employment), are included in this category. |
17 Including the net movement of surviving businesses column in the employment size ranges table provides more detailed (point in time) information about the movement of businesses within specific business size ranges, whilst maintaining additivity within each business size table. For example, the table above demonstrates that during 2011-12, part of the 190 change recorded for businesses employing 200 employees or more was driven by the 233 net movement of surviving businesses in this employment size range. That is, during 2011-12, there was a positive net movement of 233 existing small or medium businesses which grew to become large businesses.
Application within Other Tables
18 While it is possible to develop similar tables and data cubes for the other classifications (industry, main State of operation, institutional sector and type of legal organisation) used in CABEE, ABS investigations have determined that relatively few businesses tend to change these classifications values from year to year. Thus, allowing for the classifications to change over time appears to offer limited additional information while increasing the complexity of the tables (including introducing a need to confidentialise data for those rare changes in classifications). For these reasons, additional tables for the non-business size range topics have not been created in this version of CABEE.