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Korea had the highest proportion of households with Internet and broadband Internet access (94% each) in 2008. Turkey had the lowest, with 8% of households having Internet access, and 2% with broadband Internet access. Only 12% of Turkish households had access to a home computer.
Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom had very similar levels of home computer access (78%), Internet access (about 72%) and broadband Internet access (about 62%).
Japan had a higher proportion than Australia of households with access to a home computer (86% compared to 78% in Australia), but lower proportions of households with access to the Internet (64% and 72%), or with broadband access (59% and 62%).
Household computer access(a) - selected OECD countries - 2008
Footnote(s): (a) Proportion of all households. See the Communication datacube for information about timing and scope differences between countries.
Source(s): ABS Household Use of Information Technology, 2008-09 (cat. no. 8146.0); OECD Key Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Indicators
Household Internet access(a) - selected OECD countries - 2008
Footnote(s): (a) Proportion of all households. See the Communication datacube for information about timing and scope differences between countries.
Source(s): ABS Household Use of Information Technology, 2008-09 (cat. no. 8146.0); OECD Key Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Indicators