1131.0 - Directory of Superannuation Related Statistics, 1997
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 02/05/2000
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How to Use This Directory You can locate an entry in two ways;
Part C, ABS Services, lists the address details for the central and state offfices of the ABS as well as a breakdown of the services that are available (e.g. bookshops, libraries, consultancies etc.). Part D, the Product Index, lists all publications mentioned in the Directory, in alphabetical order of publication name. The entries themselves are located in Part B, in alphabetical order of contributing organisation. The Directory uses a common set of headings to present the information about each statistical source. The contents applicable to each heading used in Directory entries is as follows: Name of Organisation Gives the name, address, main switch telephone number, facsimile number, Email address and Web Site of the disseminating organisation. Product and Services Provides name and title of the product and details of the forms in which the published statistics are available (e.g. publication, magnetic tape, computer printout, floppy disk, CD Rom) and the cost of obtaining the data in these forms. Note that all prices quoted are subject to change without notice and therefore should be used as a general guide only. If prices are determined on an individual request basis, 'price on application' is recorded here. All prices quoted are per copy unless specified otherwise. Contact About these statistics Gives the name and position of the person in the organisation to contact for further information about the statistics, name of the section or subsection in which the contact person is located (if applicable) and the contact telephone number (if a direct line is available). To Purchase Statistics If the point of sale is different from the contact person for further information, a contact is noted here (e.g. bookshop, publicity department) and the contact telephone number (if a direct line is available). Broad Description Offers a brief description of the contents of the statistics. Purpose of Data Outlines the reason why the statistics are compiled and what they are used for. Detailed Description Population Gives information about the units of measurement used in the survey (e.g. funds, persons, households). Superannuation Data Items Describes in detail the information to be found in the statistics, generally including the units in which data are recorded (e.g. million dollars, number of fund members etc.), names of major groups of items, classifications used and cross-classifications available. Some contributors have included a one sentence sample of recent information as an example of what can be drawn out of the statistics offered by them. Source Discloses whether the data are collected directly by the organisation and the extent of reliance on data from other sources, if any. Method of Collection This category is intended to give relevant information about the collection methodology, e.g. method of data collection, proportion of market covered, reliability, sample size. If the data are an administrative by-product, that fact will be noted here. Frequency Provides the periods for which the data are available, eg e.g. quarterly, monthly, annually or irregularly. Timeliness Indicates how long after the reference period the statistics become available and/or are published. Historical Data Reveals the period from which past data (time series) are available. Geographic Breakdown Provides details of geographic area covered by the collection (e.g. Australia, States, Territories, capital cities, statistical divisions, statistical local areas, local government areas). Confidentiality and Availability Outlines any restrictions placed upon access to the data. Note: this category does not relate to copyright. It relates to whether any data which are collected cannot be released from the collecting organisation. For example, the Census & Statistics Act requires that statistics not be published by ABS where it is possible for a third party to identify data supplied by a particular person or organisation. Confidentiality provisions also place restrictions on release of unpublished information. Unpublished Information Gives an indication of whether information beyond that described in the entry can be made available on request (subject to any confidentiality restrictions).