A complete list of data items included in the Personal Income of Migrants microdata product is provided in an Excel workbook that can be accessed from the Downloads tab.
Data items are available at two levels, Persons and Jobs. Users intending to apply for access to the ABS Data Laboratory should ensure the data they require, and the level of detail required, are available and applicable for the intended use. The test file would be helpful for this purpose.
Age at beginning of reference period
Age of person at the beginning of the reference period (1 July 2009 or 1 July 2010) based on the date of birth recorded on their SDB record.
Applicant status
The 'primary applicant' is generally the person whose skills or proposed activities in Australia are assessed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection as part of their visa application. They will usually have been specifically identified on the application form as the 'main applicant'. A person whose visa was granted on the basis of being the family member (e.g. spouse, dependent child) of a person who qualified for a visa will have been identified on the visa application as a secondary or an 'other' applicant with the person who met the visa criteria being specifically identified on the visa application as the 'primary applicant'.
Australian population taxable income bracket
The total Australian taxpaying population is ranked according to their taxable income and grouped into a category comprising 10% of the population. Migrant taxpayers are coded to a category based on their taxable income.
Country of birth
Country of birth of person based on the country listed on the SDB record, classified according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2011 (cat. no. 1269.0).
Employee income
A person's total remuneration, whether monetary or in kind, received in return for labour from an employer or from a person's own unincorporated business.
Foreign citizenship code
Citizenship (other than Australian) of person based on the country listed on their SDB record, classified according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2011 (cat. no. 1269.0).
Foreign income
Income from sources that originate outside of Australia including Other net foreign employment income, net foreign rent, controlled foreign company income and net foreign pension/annuity income.
Geography (SA2, SA4, State)
Geography based on the address recorded on the PIT 2011-12 record, classified according to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Areas, July 2011 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.001). Geography is available at levels Statistical Area 2, Statistical Area 4 and State.
Geography (LGA)
Geography based on the address recorded on the PIT 2011-12 record, classified according to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non-ABS Structures, July 2015 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.003). Geography is available at Local Government Area level.
Geography (Remoteness area)
Geography based on the address recorded on the PIT 2011-12 record, classified according to the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 5 - Remoteness Structure, July 2011 (cat. no. 1270.0.55.005). Geography is available at Remoteness Area level.
Gross payments
The gross amounts recorded (by businesses) on the Individual Pay As You Go summary for each job held by an employee, during the reference period.
Industry of job
The industry associated with the business through which the individual is employed. From 2006, industry is classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (Revision 2.0) (cat. no. 1292.0).
Investment income
Receipts that arise from the ownership of assets that are provided to others for their use. In includes returns from financial and non-financial assets and royalties.
Level of health cover
Refers to the level of health cover held by the person at the time of the tax return. Available levels are Hospital, Ancillary (Extras) or Combined.
Location of application
The location from which the visa application was lodged, either Onshore or Offshore.
Marital status
Refers to a settler's personal relationship status as at the time of the visa application. It is updated if the settler informs the DIBP of a change in status. The collection of Marital status has a high level of "Not stated" and "Unknown" results; therefore, interpretation of this data should be conducted with care.
Net rent
Profit or loss from rental properties after expenses such as interest, land rates, insurance and repairs and maintenance costs are deducted. Where a person has held more than one job in the financial year, it is unknown whether these jobs have been held concurrently or consecutively.
Number of jobs on ABN file
Refers to the number of jobs held in the financial year according to the number of records present on the PAYG file for a given person.
Occupation of main job
Refers to the occupation sub-major group as defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2 (cat. no. 1220.0) and identified by an employee as their 'Main salary and wage occupation'.
Other income (excludes Government pensions and allowances)
Other income (excluding Government pensions and allowances) includes transfer or trust income; foreign investment fund and/or foreign life insurance assurance policy income (in 2009-10 only); controlled foreign company income; foreign salary/pension income; other net foreign source income; and other (including superannuation and annuity income). Data for superannuation and annuities are understated. See Explanatory Notes for more information.
Own unincorporated business income
The profit or loss that accrues to owners of, or partners in, their own unincorporated business(es). The profit or loss is the value of the gross output of the enterprise (including the estimated value of goods and services produced for barter as well as goods produced for own consumption) less the deduction of operating expenses. It includes profits from capital investments of partners who do not work in these enterprises, i.e. silent partners.
Period of reference in Australia to end of reference period
Refers to the period of residence in Australia to the end of the reference period (30 June 2010 or 30 June 2011) based on the date of arrival recorded on their SDB record.
Relationship to offshore primary applicant
Refers to the relationship of the "other" applicant to the "primary" applicant, either Spouse, Parent, Sibling or Child. This data item is only available to visas lodged offshore.
Sex of person
Sex of person as recorded on their SDB record, either Male or Female.
Spouse: Taxable income in current year
Refers to the taxable income in the current financial year for the spouse of persons who recorded having being married or living as a defacto couple in the financial year.
Superannuation and annuity income
Income from superannuation, annuities and private pensions such as allocated pensions.
Taxable income or loss
For an individual, the taxable income is the amount remaining after deducting from assessable income all deductions allowed under the Income Tax Assessment Act for that year and is the amount to which tax rates are applied.
Total income (excludes Government pensions and allowances)
Income from all sources, whether monetary or in kind, before income tax and the Medicare levy are deducted.
Visa subclass code
Refers to the three-digit code which identifies the visa holder's purpose in Australia. The Settlement data includes data on permanent visas and settlement pathway temporary (provisional) visas. Some visa subclasses are no longer available. However, data can be generated for all historical and current visas subclasses back to 1 January 2000.
Year of arrival
Refers to the year of arrival to Australia by a settler who holds a permanent or provisional visa. For a visa that was granted onshore (in Australia), the year of arrival refers to the year of arrival prior to the grant of that visa. For a visa that was granted offshore (outside of Australia), the year of arrival refers to the first date of arrival after the grant of that visa.