The abbreviations have been used in this publication.
'000 | thousand |
A | Area |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AC | Aboriginal council |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
Adel. | Adelaide |
Aust. | Australia |
B | Borough |
Bal | Balance |
BSD | Brisbane Statistical Division |
cat. no. | Catalogue number |
C | City |
CDR | crude death rate |
CGC | Community Government Council |
DC | District Council |
excl. | excluding |
E. | East |
ERP | estimated resident population |
Gr. | Greater |
incl. | including |
I./Is | Island |
IC | Island council |
IMR | infant mortaility rate |
LGA | local government area |
M | Municipality |
Mt C'tha | Mount Coot-tha |
n.e.c. | not elsewhere classified |
n.f.d. | not further defined |
no. | number |
N. | North/Northern |
NOM | net overseas migration |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
OT | Other Territories |
P'sula | Peninsula |
Pt | Part |
Qld | Queensland |
RC | Rural City |
RegC | Regional Council |
Res. | Reservoir |
S | Shire |
S Dist | statistical district |
S. | South/Southern |
SA | South Australia |
SD | statistical division |
SDR | standardised death rate |
SLA | statistical local area |
SSD | statistical subdivision |
T | Town |
Tas. | Tasmania |
TFR | total fertility rate |
Unincorp. | Unincorporated |
Vic. | Victoria |
W. | West |
WA | Western Australia |
Wtrs | Waters |