In 2008-09, there were a total of 14,002 defendants finalised in Australia's criminal courts with at least one federal offence: 625 in the Higher Courts; 13,207 in the Magistrates' Courts; and 170 in the Children's Courts.
There were 12,751 persons and 1,251 organisations finalised in 2008-09. Just under two thirds (63% or 8,796) of all finalised defendants were male while 27% ( 3,770) were female.
Across all three court levels, 77% of defendants finalised were proven guilty of at least one federal offence. Of those proven guilty, 17% (1,824) were sentenced to a custodial order.
The 14,002 defendants represented a total of 35,614 federal offences finalised: 1,970 in the Higher Courts; 33,359 in the Magistrates' Courts; and 285 in the Children's Courts.