4364.0.55.002 - Australian Health Survey: Health Service Usage and Health Related Actions, 2011-12  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 26/03/2013  First Issue
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Diseases of the circulatory system comprise a wide range of conditions such as hypertensive disease, ischaemic heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, oedema, and heart failure.

In 2011-12, 16.9% of Australians (or around 3.7 million people) reported having a disease of the circulatory system.

Of people who reported having a disease of the circulatory system, 69.8% had consulted a GP, 22.0% had consulted a specialist and 8.7% had consulted an other type of health professional in the last 12 months.

Around 1 in 10 (8.8%) people with a disease of the circulatory system who were employed, at school or studying took time off work or school/study in the last 12 months due to their condition.

Most people aged 18 years and over with a disease of the circulatory system had had their blood pressure checked in the last 12 months (89.0%) and 69.9% had had their cholesterol checked in the last 12 months.

Graph Image for Proportion of persons with a heart and circulatory condition who checked blood pressure or cholesterol, 2011-12(a)(b)

Footnote(s): (a) Persons aged 18 years and over with a heart and circulatory condition. (b) In last 12 months.

Source(s): Australian Health Survey: Health Service Usage and Health Related Actions

Almost three-quarters of all people with a disease of the circulatory system (70.4%) reported taking some type of cardiovascular system medication in the last 2 weeks. The most common cardiovascular medications taken by people with a disease of the circulatory system were 'lipid modifying agents' (34.5%), 'angiotensin II antagonists, plain', 'ACE inhibitors, plain' and 'beta blocking agents' (all around 17%). A further 26.7% reported taking aspirin daily.

For more information see Table 10 Heart and circulatory conditions: Actions and medications taken and Australian Health Survey: First Results, 2011-12 (cat. no. 4364.0.55.001).

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