Supertable Table 31 NSSC School Numbers (42210 Table 31.srd) contains school numbers by size of FTE enrolments for the years 1994 to 2006. The data can be cross-classified by the following characteristics:
State or territory
School Affiliation (Government, Catholic or Independent)
Size of FTE enrolments (primary or secondary)
Cross-classifications may include any of the above data items. However, when generating a data view from this Supertable please be aware that (a) the numbers exclude special schools, but includes combined primary and secondary schools based on the size of secondary school enrolments. (b) FTE of students (number of full-time students plus FTE of part-time students) is used to determine the enrolment size of each secondary school. (c) Totals from these data views can be verified against the publication 'Schools, Australia, 2006' (Catalogue. No. 4221.0), or against the Data Cubes (Tables 1-25) associated with this publication.
Note: The number of schools in a particular year can be affected by structural change in the composition of schooling rather than necessarily a change in the number of sites delivering full-time school education.