Appendix: Additional data available
In addition to the statistics provided in this publication, the ABS can produce customised tabulations on request. Subject to confidentiality and sampling variability constraints, tabulations can be produced from the survey by cross-classifying any of the following data items for the relevant survey populations.
All households
Households connected to mains water supply
Households with a rainwater tank
Households using water from a rainwater tank
Households using bore water
Households with a washing machine
Households with a front loading washing machine
Households with a dishwasher
Households with a fixed airconditioner
Households with a bath/indoor spa
Households with gardens or lawns
Households with a reticulation system
Households with a swimming pool/outdoor spa
Dwelling characteristics
Area of usual residence
Region of usual residence
Central metropolitan
Eastern metropolitan
Northern metropolitan
South west metropolitan
South east metropolitan
Lower western WA
Remainder-balance WA
Dwelling type
Separate house
Semidetached, row or terrace house, townhouse
Flat, unit or apartment
Tenure type
Fully owned
Being purchased
Household characteristics
Household type
Person living alone
Couple only
Couple with children
Lone parent with children
All other households
Household size
One person household
Two person household
3-5 person household
6 or more person household
Whether children in the household
With children (at least one household resident aged 0-14 years)
Without children (no household resident aged 0-14 years)
Sources of water supply
Whether household was connected to mains water supply
Whether household had a rainwater tank
Whether household used water from a rainwater tank
What water from the rainwater tank was used for
Washing clothes
Food preparation
Drinking water
Watering the garden
Other uses
Whether household used water from a bore
From a single household bore
From a multiple household bore
Did not use bore water
Don't know whether bore water was used
Water heating
Energy source for hot water system
Type of hot water system
Don't know
Indoor water use
Whether household had a washing machine
Type of washing machine
Top loading
Front loading
Twin tub
Reasons for choosing a front loading washing machine
More energy efficient
More water efficient
Better for the environment
Better for clothes
Size/fits into space better
Did not choose, furnished dwelling
What householders are used to
Don't know/no reason
Number of loads of washing done last week
Whether household had a dishwasher
Number of times dishwasher was used last week
Whether household had a fixed airconditioner
Type of fixed airconditioner
Don't know
Number of fixed airconditioner outlets
Two or less
More than two
Number of single flush toilets both inside and outside the dwelling
Number of dual flush toilets both inside and outside the dwelling
Number of other toilets both inside and outside the dwelling
Type of toilets
Single flush only
Dual flush only
Both single and dual flush
Other combinations
Number of showers with water efficient shower heads both inside and outside the dwelling
Number of showers with normal flow shower heads both inside and outside the dwelling
Type of shower heads
Normal flow shower heads only
Water efficient shower heads only
Both normal flow and water efficient shower heads
Type of shower head unknown
Number of times shower was used last week
Number of baths/indoor spas at dwelling
Number of times bath/indoor spa was used last week
Outdoor water use
Whether household had any gardens or lawns
Whether mulch was used on the garden in the last 12 months
Whether household had a reticulation system
Methods of watering gardens/lawns
Reticulation system
Hand-held hose
Soaker hose
Watering can/container
Did not water
Use of reticulation system
Lawn watering
Garden watering
Pot plant or hanging basket watering
Did not use reticulation system
Whether reticulation system was automated
Whether a hose was used to wash down things such as driveways, footpaths or buildings in the last 12 months
Whether household had a swimming pool/outdoor spa
Type of swimming pool/outdoor spa
In-ground pool
Above ground pool
Outdoor spa
Whether swimming pool/outdoor spa had a cover
For further information about additional data available on request, please contact Gabriela Lawrence on Perth (08) 9360 5947.